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What the fight with Tyson essentially is:

"Screw you, Fahey!" -

He kind of looks like Santa.

Pretty sure we've reached the point where people complaining on every Patricia article has gotten more annoying than anything she's ever posted.

People don't buy games on Steam sales to play them. They buy them to collect them.

The secret is to buy them as gifts and store them in your inventory. That way you're useless backlog that you bought on impulse becomes semi-useful gifts and if you wanna play them yourself you can just open the gift.

I love the fact that the P.A. man had this on hand. Like he was waiting for the fists to fly so he could finally play it.

Oh, you mean "all of them"?

I knew their had to be a flaw in my logic somewhere. Afternoon, ruined.

And somehow Aquaman is the lamest DC superhero. I don't get.

You forgot the Deus Ex Machina arrow. You know, the one that solves any lingering plot holes...

Yeah, I look at that big "pile of shame" and go,

My 600+ game Steam collection agrees with you!

Speaking of ZX, I just found this gem.

Am I the only person who shed tears when listening to Random Access Memories? Seriously, Daft Punk's greatest album. Where it at? D:

Dude, you should see a therapist.

So it didn't... click... with you?

Reminds me a lot of Spy Party.

I smell something....

Tragically, the young Jaxxyn was burned several on both arms. The doctors stated they could, quote, "rebuild him for future conflict." Reports state Jaxxyn is being fitted for new prosthetic arms.