P.K Winsom, as the only black Republican became an infrequent, but recurring character. I don't remember David Cross, but Colbert made great use of recurring characters, like the kid he would play board games with, and throw a tantrum, or German ambassador/stand up comedian Hans Beinholtz.
All the female animations in Dragon Age Inquisition are plainly designed for the men, and re-used for female main characters. Lot's of weird walking, arm movements, and wide stances when sitting.
And his fears about Jimmy's abuses of the law will obviously come to fruition because we know Saul will become a full blown criminal lawyer by the time of Breaking Bad.
You're not wrong that Americans would definitely do better with a more international mindset, but there is way too much fucked up shit going on inside the United States to shift too much of the focus away.
I had to stop watching the vaccination episode when that lady started talking, and the one guy sort of agreed with her. Everyone should have unanimously scolded her after she was done talking.
Or a hitman.
I think it's awesome they found another actor with comedic experience to play Jimmy's brother. Even though Chuck is considerably less goofy than Jimmy, it's nice symmetry in casting.
Exactly, we know Jimmy has been arrested at some point, but I doubt he was ever convicted of anything.
That was lame, and I thought it was a weak end to a history of Mickey Rourke jokes. I also thought the actual introduction of Kenneth's stepfather Ron was pretty weak in 30 Rock, despite being played by Bryan Cranston.
That second thing doesn't have a lot to do with anything, but it's been on my mind, and I have to…
I disliked the trial in general, although I thought Jon Hamm, and the lawyers had plenty of funny lines, it just seemed so out of place considering the severity of kidnapping. It's not like the show ever really went to very serious places, but it just became the most jarring at the trial.
The last two episodes were not so great, I agree. There were plenty of funny parts to them, but I think this show's premise of a kidnap-doomsday cult became incompatible with how goofy they wanted the courtroom scenes.
I thought at least one of them would be from the prison-murder gang from the final season of Breaking Bad, but I didn't recognize any of them readily.
Even when nothing exciting is happening on this show, it's still interesting to look at, it's never boring in any way. Obviously the writing and acting and others things are great about the show, but it manages to keep me interested visually. I finally gave up on the Walking Dead this season, largely because that show…
When Bob Odenkirk was on the Daily Show a few weeks ago, I was amazed at how much better he looks in real life then he does as Saul. They really sleazy-lawyer him up for the show.
Traffic only becomes a major problem when you have a lot of industry in your city, or a lot of high density buildings. Industry seems to create about 3 times the traffic of residential and commercial zones.
I think the finicky nature of creating intersections is to prevent you from placing too many intersections close together, because that completely screws the traffic flow. I do agree that converting a two lane into a one lane road is laborious, especially if the road has a subway station or something on it.
The video games are coming from inside the house!
I'm going to adopt kids just so I can go back to Legoland some day, and then I'll probably return the kids after the trip. I just can't go to Legoland alone, not like this….
I'd say we do it better than anyone!