Smoked Salmonella

Unfortunately for the victim, the old policy of "i give you what you want and you leave me be" doesn't hold true anymore. Most of the time it's some punk kid who will shoot you in the face as soon as you hand over your wallet so you can't ID them later.

Its a drawing! Not actual nude children, this is stupid cops being stupid.

Perhaps Nuclear power isn't right for Japan when you consider it's part of the Ring of Fire and subject to higher then the norm rate earthquakes, tsunamis and the like. But for the majority of the world safely maintained nuclear power is just fine until we work fusion out as a power source. That being said Natural

Damnit, I can't believe I did that. Thanks

Because in a dark theater, your cellphone screen is like a little lighthouse of douchebaggery

I don't understand these viruses at all, I mean what sense does it make to kill the one thing that allows you to live and breed? Now us humans, we got that co-exist shit down, just look at earth and how we....Oh, well nevermind then.

"Amazon has been selective about its distribution centers, placing them in states that are strategic to shipping as well as friendly on taxes."

Love this —-> The ALPR (Automatic License Plate Recognition) system will automatically alert officers as stolen cars drive by.

It may be different in Canada but I know around here in Detroit as long as you have a full road legal exhaust, there's not much they can do. Blaring subwoofers is a different story. But good luck getting the DPD to give a shit about that, We're living in Mad max times up here.

You sir win the internet today in my book.

I agree with you guys, street racing is stupid and foolish. Some of you screaming about murdering street racers need to calm the hell down though. Unfortunately street racing is much easier access then going to the track, no safety checks, dont have to pay for track time, not forced to wear a helmet, location etc etc.

cool thanks

Yeah I already own INfamous and LBP, so Im kinda hosed there but I have been eying Wipeout for the longest and never bought it so thats something. So either Dead nation or Stardust HD whatever the hell those are.

Your right, and it's bullshit

No, it's starting in the U.S because we're more awesome then you.

IF your wife eat's Lays, there's a higher chance she is fat. If you wife is fat, there's a higher chance you will cheat. There, I published a report, now somebody give me government funding.

Your Logic confuses me, how would one provide a proof of purchase short of cataloging every receipt they ever got for every purchase ever, which seems a little extreme. Besides she could have taken them to any pawnshop or independent media store if Gamestop wouldn't have taken them.

Bravo for you sir

As Cool as this is on a Micro scale, I'd really like to see the opposite, a human controlling a giant pair of robot arms, making a huge Paper airplane.