
But on a more serious note, I feel like this is all just in jest. There’s pithy little posts about straight people and are they/aren’t they hooking up all the time. I kind of like that mainstream sites are posting about potential queer couples the same way they would about straight ones.


I think it would be a fun social experiment to have a women’s strike here in the U.S.

Ask Nicolae Ceausescu how his total abortion ban went.

I love you, Cudi! You don’t owe your fans an apology. Just heal, my angel.

B-but Samira is supposed to be with ME! 

And you know this one wasn’t medically necessary... how exactly? Oh, because you’re AN ASSHOLE.

Mine will also burp after a particularly good meal to show her appreciation. Please enjoy a HUGE picture of the offender (her name is Margaret Thatcher).

And Boston Terrier picture party! Or your other adorable pets if you want to contribute! I’m glad I saw this because I would have totally bought that stuff at kohls but illl be sure to not do that now.

It’s to stop them being so cute that are bodily elevated to heaven by choirs of freaking angels!!

I’m undecided.

This may seem trite, but I became addicted to the Surreal Life one spring break in high school. Alexis was one of my first introductions to not only the concept of transgender, but gender fluidity. Alexis was obviously very loved by family. Don't make this death about pronouns. It's about a person.

Hey, friends! Join me in the Not Wrestling Over the Gendered Language section. Alexis was fantastic and great and was loved by many. Instead of being self-appointed pronoun monitors, let’s love on Alexis’ memory and realize some people will have it right and some people will have it wrong. AIDS sucks, brain tumors