
I'd much rather get drunk with Tina and Amy than Taylor...

lol I hate Taylor Swift. As a public persona. Maybe she's cool IRL who fucking knows. But. Kanye was right, you know? And Fey and Poehler are comedy goddesses. So whatever. pfft.

I'm sure as a childless couple it is very obnoxious getting all the "You should have babies/would be happier with babies" statements from folks, but as a youngish mom who reads mostly feminist and the like material I feel like all I see is "We are so much better off with kids. See? Get it?"

1. Actually, Brooklyn 99 is an updated version of Barney Miller,but I guess this goes to show that the majority of the folks on here who've seen Brooklyn 99 have never even heard of Barney Miller - which is quite tragic in itself.

How rude!

I am having a tough time right now. I don't want to talk to anyone who I love or who loves me, because I feel as though it will only cause them to worry.

Watch out for the post of my #SpeedoMayPole


Y'all are just jealous about my snow pile stomach.

Unpopular opinion: I do not like beards.

Exactly. It isn't about the size or your body, but how it fits. If it fits well, you can WORK the dress. Her dresses always look like they are eating her or something.

Just from this post alone, Natasha Lyonne and Danielle Brooks managed to not fall into the bigger than size 4 = frumpy hot mess trap. Dunham is systematically and consistently awful, in a way that I believe is meant to convey, "Who me? Red carpet? I don't know what to do, I'm just so unlike all those polished

I very strongly believe that she wears unflattering things intentionally to reinforce her brand ("Atypical Actress").

doesn't the fit ALWAYS seem off on her dresses though?

Everyone thinks that her not knowing what feminism is is hilarious or something, but am I the only one who finds it legit sad and depressing? One of my close childhood friends who grew up uber religious thought the same thing — that "feminist" meant "feminine". That ain't right.

I will also add to the (lovely) reply to the third letter - as someone who was basically an abused feral child raising my little sister, I had similar experiences in forcing myself to become a social person and learn the language of social currency. Everything is give and take, and everybody has emotional and

Oh, God, the answer to Letter Number 3 was sensitive and beautifully written. It's, like, raining on my face, you guys.

How dare you be such a Heightist, Penabler. Short dudes face real problems such as not being able to reach the top shelf to grab the Wheatabix and being cruelly and unfairly barred from certain amusement park rides. For too long has their suffering gone unrecognized as the Tall-ocracy has done everything in their

Short dude feelings: like regular feelings, only so very tiny!

Poor Jenny McCarthy. Looks like she might have the flu. Too bad there's no way to prevent that...