
Good advice.
Re: your wife forgetting your birthday: BF's is today and I'm going all out. Got him a spendy gift he's been wanting since forever, making his favorite Boston Cream Pie, making his favorite dinner. All of this is in an effort to passive-aggressively shame him, since mine was the 10th and he forgot. Heh

BWAHAHA that's awesome. Last year I signed him up for a drawing class for kids at the local community college. He was indignant to find that there weren't going to be live models for them to draw. Dude, you're 12. Calm down.

Well they can enjoy the Royal and Langnickle sketch set I ordered for my kid LOL. Actually, FedEx's status on the tracking website claimed it was undeliverable. Seeing as they had delivered a package to us the day before, I knew that was bull. The Amazon rep I spoke with called them and they told him it was lost in

I had an Amazon order that got sent via Fed Ex SmartPost where they give it to the local post office.....except it apparently never got to the local post office. "Lost in transit" was the explanation they gave. Amazon refunded my item price (it was free shipping) and also gave me a $30 credit. I ended up buying the

I applaud her for being open about this. Unfortunately my first thought on hearing about this was that I wonder if some slimy news outlet threatened to expose it in some kind of a "scandalous" way ("de Blasio's daughter is an ADDICT!") and so they felt the need to reveal this on their own terms.

My mom IS a hoarder. I haven't been inside her house since around 2006. It was pretty awful even then. I guess now there are paths. We do holidays at my sister's house.

That's my boyfriend's birthday as well. Mine's the 10th...just far enough away.

WOW. I just had to scroll back because when I read that tweet I thought it was from Glenn CLOSE. "Oh, that's nice, Glenn Close on a snowy ranch." Long day.

But if you use one in public, you can't really be aware of your surroundings. Scary to me.

You sound like you have pretty broad horizons, I'd be cool if he turned out that way. I'm more worried about him turning out like a friend of a friend....every time we go out as a group, it's a huge hassle finding someplace she's willing to eat! I secretly call her Queenie in my head.

Thanks for replying. I am hopeful that he will continue to grow in his willingness to try things.

Hey can I ask you a question? Did you grow out of it? My kids are not picky at all, but my boyfriend's son is, and it is difficult to manage! I gave my kids tons of different foods when they were young, even things I personally don't care for because I wanted them to have broad tastes. His mom, on the other hand,

I haven't done jack shit about that stuff, not even looked into it. As far as I know I haven't received anything about it. I'm pleading ignorance. :/

Wow....that's a lot going on. The neighbor with the headlamp made me laugh though.

I did that same job until this past September. It's heavy, but your work is so important. Please take care of you.

Look what I saw on Buzzfeed tonight!

I'm going to have to buy it, but for now the whole thing was uploaded to YouTube so I listened to it while I made dinner. I liked "O Come Emmanuel" too!

Holy shit, it's AWESOME. Love them.


Vomit. My ex's name was Daniel, and if his son had been a girl, they were going to name her Danni. Ugh.