Moody Caplan

BTW Nokia ... helped CJ and his friend fly home so they wouldn't have to beg samsung for it

I owned the N9 which is the closest you're going to get to full screen , and i had some hard time before i could hold the phone without touching the screen good luck doing the same when you are operating android (imagine writing a whole comment and then touch the screen by mistake and it's all gone ... precious ... :D

He's actually got captured . by rebels and they didn't even kill him .

actually ever since the rev took arms it had good weaponry , specially since some times whole units of the army parted away.

They are shooting it with a potato because of the countless sanctions that were useless on the Syrian (not the government) people . This includes modern technology .

and by the way PLEEEEAAAAASE don't fucking intervene , for once in your fucking life let us be , You can see we are very capable on our own , we don't need you to fucking kill us in the name of freeing us again ... we hosted Iraq's families in Syria we know the shit you did , so just back the fuck off ...

You didn't intervene in Egypt , Actually you did more to Syria than Egypt.

This is unfair ,Imagine this : if a guy can juggle a foot ball a 1000 times would he be better than Messi at Soccer , Probably not because Messi plays according to rules and regulations a ball juggler probably won't be able to learn let alone follow. ?

surtiles :D

Win RT will most likely be WP8 pal since it runs on ARM there's very big chance it'll run WP8 apps no problem (along with old WP7 app too ) ... here's hoping my prediction comes true . this is going to be awesome and oh yeah Media consumption world wide is not a problem it's only a select markets problem which can be

PRO has 3.0

!!! That's a freaking good thing ..... unless you just bought a tablet that doesn't have that and you're cursing your luck ...

I'm almost certain that it's a patent thing . (If you noticed new Nokia's you'll see that all has a similar scrolling effect while dragging icons , Nokia got Apple's license to use this only after Apple infringed on Nokia's patents (the double antenna make believe invention of Apple was actually a Nokia's original)

well, You can't review something that is being previewed .. nuf said.

Well , you should know what the phrase means in the first place allah akbar means Allah's greater than who oppresses us, or those who think they are great no one can touch , even arab christians sometimes use this ... it's not about religion , it's the story of David and Golaiath in 2 words .

Now playing

8. Giving stock dividends, this picture of Steve mcduck reminds of this ...

Many BT headsets has Audio out connectors ,along with a car charger for the thing and your problem is solved ...

Yes we've seen Samsung's screens but what we didn't see how they manged to actually implement them in a useful way , Well i would say this is useful for wet or glove needed situations , Don't you? Imaging trying to navigate a touch phone in the north pole :)

Its a way to control a phone without buttons , while wearing any type of Gloves or being around wet situation. And it adds a bonus that you don't have to block the screen with your hands to scroll while reading for example.

I guess it's the same as the Galaxy 2 lock bypass bug and its probably inspired by it , an OS is most vulnerable upon shutdown.