Moody Caplan

I'm all for this idea , except i think fucking with nature brought mist i don't really want to see what fucking with nature's mist would bring ... :D

Cuz you know, kissing in public is just as important as O2 and not at all a stupid PDA...

going for software buttons is the way to go ... though a greater way is going button-less like the Nokia N9....

Its actually about choice , i have the n8 which has a rather small screen and i freaking hate that , but if i wanted a Nokia phone with a bigger screen i do have a choice N9 the X7 the E7 , where as the small line of products Apple offers gets you stuck with either the Ipad or the smaller Iphone no middle ground means

You are turning into Nokia fans ... !!! where they have to justify every stupid call from an idiot engineer of design...

Well unless they come up with ways to directly communicate with your phone using you're brain going vocal will continue to be a pain in your ass , specially in those situations which are REAL ...

I was about to say when Iphone 5 comes with a bigger size, bigger sizes will be the best but i was beaten to the punch... anyways to be real and to the point i think what matters is the UI , when you got a smart UI it wont force you to visit the far of reach corners to things it'll be right on your fingertip , See am

A while ago (maybe ten years) i was in my country (Syria) and a young lad was trying to convince me to buy a jacket so he marketed as Double faced (Can be worn inside and out ) so after speaking that term in English ( probably the only word he knew outside ,Yes and No)

Maybe Apple should start warning American of upcoming earth quakes instead of Iphone users in Japan...

I hear ya man , my roommate used to to this i brought him a massive Alarm that rings like crazy and cannot be snoozed , he threw it out the next day ... oh days of college ...

I guess you're right , this site is way into apple , but to be fair it work out good for plenty of people specially Americans , You see American's can trend stuff very effectively (They trended Trending) so if an American brat used Ishit some kid in India or maybe UAE will eat that up ... :D

That's a dream come true for people with feet fetish.

Well physical buttons while handy in rush situations, they destabilize the device in your hands almost always meaning you'll feel like you may drop the phone or just can't continue reading or watching what you're doing.

I think there will be a time where a Matrix- like story will happen , not the robot one but the time manipulating one.

I know Sympian is a Zombie OS but i guess it's Ok since Zombies are cool this year...

My thoughts exactly , well not my thoughts but if i would've thought about it i would've reached the same conclusion. ... :D

If thats true the UI will be taken care of by the people which will be a very nice thing to have.

Hey man i hate the Iphone and everything with i in it but to be fair some times PERFECT IS BORING and thats that... don't read too much in it and have a good lie free day (referring to you switching off your phone...)

Oh dear, they'll continue to ride Sympian (which i love as an OS) till they got the WP7 then they'll contradict all their advertisments about Sympian^3 new line up and all of our money will go toward Nokia so it could create phones that we'll have to pay extra for and we'll probably be paying for the next musing that

because this technology hasn't been commercialized just yet, every other technology might play a role in it's development, My answer to cases where you lost or someone stole you're phone is having something personal on you like a ring or a watch so the door/anything locked would never open if it wasn't there , or