
Because he’s a back door for Oil, gas and Koch brothers money for the Democratic party. Jessica Cisneros will end that since she doesn’t take any Corporate PAC money or Billionaire money. Shhhh, don’t let anyone know!

That’s just the point. AOC and Bernie are not “reliable” from the perspective of Nancy Pelosi and Tom Perez. Cuellar, Crowley, those types of Democrats are what they want. Because even when we have Obama in the White House and majorities in both houses of Congress, they don’t want us to have real social change, they

A terrible candidate is still a terrible candidate no matter the sexual orientation?

The only reason for the candidate who ‘won’ Iowa and who placed third in delegates to quit prior to Super Tuesday was to ensure consolidation behind a single moderate candidate on Tuesday. 

I’m sure Biden offered him something. (Probably not VP, but a cabinet post nonetheless.) And I’m disappointed Pete took the plunge

Problem for these pundits is that they’ve spent decades kissing the asses of the establishment, and now someone who isn’t part of the establishment is threatening to win the nomination. They are literally worried about losing status and power, because if Sanders is somehow successful then these same pundits will be

The silence of those on this site who have spent the past few years erasing the people of colour supporting Bernie Sanders is deafening.

Yeah it’s one thing to disagree with his plans and another to go straight to Nazi comparisons.

Everyone who has paid attention on Twitter knew that the "Bernie can't get the union" was bullshit and 100% a manufactured narrative. It's such a fucking joke. 

Pete is just wrong on many levels. 

Yeah, Russia has been meddling for literal decades. None of this is earth shattering news if you've got at least half of a brain but unfortunately a huge portion of the electorate does not. It's awesome!

95% of people paid to talk about politics have no idea what they are talking about, and are completely unable to place anything about the current political moment in contemporary or historical context.

I do have great insurance through my job. I want everyone else to have great healthcare coverage, too. 

Please dismiss that dumbass reply that insinuates you’re a bot. The temptation to reply is too strong and I don’t want to fuck around with complete idiots today.

Yes, Bernie is having a great week, even with the curiously timed release of the Russia shit. I was hate-watching MSNBC yesterday and the meltdowns - particularly Chris Matthews and James Carville - were spectacular. The pundits have had the same refrain for months: he can’t win minorites, he can’t unify people, the

Good for Bernie! The dominant Nevada win is what the candidates were hoping to get out of Iowa. The number of delegates is irrelevant, rather the margin of victory that gives a wave that you can ride for a while.

Vote blue no matter who!

It’s kind of astonishing to me, after 2016 and all the ways it should have demonstrated that political elites are out of touch with the American electorate, something like 95% of people paid to talk about politics have no idea what they are talking about, and are completely unable to place anything about the current

Chuck Todd and Chris Mathews need to lay off the Nazi comparisons of a Presidential candidate that lost family in the holocaust. 

The court documents allege that Cardi B’s best friend Yonette Respass, aka “Star Brim,” ordered her subordinates in the 59 Brims gang to commit a violent assault against the sisters at the Queens club, Angel’s. Sources say Cardi B believed one of the women had an affair with her husband Offset.