
I get your point because, truly, not even half of the Bad Stuff that has happened over the past three years and the year (s) to come would have occurred under Clinton. The Supreme Court would not be stacked, loaded, and ready to bring it all to an end.


It doesn’t surprise me that a white Cuban is racist. Colorism and racism is STRONG in Latin culture. I hope this tanks her career. She is so undeserving of what she has and it would not surprise me if the Latino community (which I am a part of) forgives her. As someone on twitter said, non-Black people should not be

I always laugh when white latinos are considered POC.  

I have no real sides in this fight, so I dont have any incentives to be unfair. I do think there is incentives to blending these two discussions and its hurting the people in the middle. Namely the social conservatives like saying gender=sex and since sex is immutable so is gender which is wrong. However many people

How are they being unfair?

Anyone who describes Beyonce’s dancing as manic is probably in the same crew that didn’t realize the impact of Bobby Brown on an entire generation of Black women in our teenage and young adult years.  Jezebel was the same website that described him as a one hit wonder in the aftermath of Whitney’s death.  Beyonce’s

Cardi B, violent attacker of women, drugger of people, transphobe ... and favorite of Jezebel, a supposedly feminist website.

Why isn’t Cardi B ~~Cardi CANCELLED~~? Other people have done and said a lot less shitty stuff and been written off here. 🙄🙄🙄

But here, on this issue, the reason Sanders doesn’t have to answer for his record the way Harris couldn’t is because his record just isn’t as bad. We are talking about some votes for mixed bag legislation in the 90’s. Pretty much Harris’s entire 15 year career before the Senate is as a prosecutor putting people

A “public option” makes less sense than just going to single payer. It’s amazing that single payer, despite being a system that works successfully (more successfully than America’s private insurance based system) throughout the world already, is constantly attacked as infeasible, but someone can just say they want a

I mean, sure, Sanders, for all the bloviating about being an independent and his criticism of the Democratic Party, has basically been a reliable Democratic vote during his time in office, including several shitty votes during the Clinton administration. And he deserves to be held account for those.

That’s cute that you think young “Democrats” are responsible for this nonsense.

I... think commentary is better aimed at the Kamala 2020 camp (RIP) than me.

But this article wasn’t trying to figure out why people don’t like Kamala Harris. It was about what Kamala Harris thought of a very popular (and negative) meme about her and if she had any plans to tackle it. The campaign’s response was to mention Tulsi Gabbard (the last person on my mind re: this meme) and suggest

This comment is in response to you and Pete Stan Jerry (wonder why he likes Mayor Pete so much), who has an unfortunate cowardly tendency to dismiss alternative points of view.

don’t forget about the cameras that malfunctioned conveniently outside his cell

I still can’t get over two—TWO—guards “falling asleep” on their shift. Who came up with that excuse?!

Barack Obama was never a progressive. He was the perfect crutch for white Americans who wanted to feel good about themselves without actually changing anything.

When he’s not telling young black men to pull up their pants or chastising people for being too “woke” for holding people accountable for their racist and sexist actions, he’s swatting down real progressives for wanting single payer health care and none of his citi group friends in the next Democrats cabinet.