
I wonder how some of those small business owners who voted for Trump (because of his supposed business savvy) are feeling right now.  Pretty much everyone with any sense was saying that if we don’t do the first shutdown properly and completely, there will be a second wave even worse than the first.  (Heck, the Spanish

The worst part is, CA was a leader in taking precautions so as not to overwhelm the healthcare system. And then they chucked it down the drain because somehow leadership forgot that too many Californians are navel-gazing individualists who actually need to be repeatedly told no to act sensibly.

Reducing the possibility of Trump and Republicans taking government action against Facebook.

This is exactly the kind of flip flopping that needed to be avoided. For most small businesses like bars the cost of reopening is significant as they restock, rehire and make preparations. Whatever happened to the old, “do it once, do it right” concept? Now this could kill off lots of smaller places who used up the

Can we maybe change the name? What did cheese ever do to deserve to be associated with this horrible couple except be awesome all the time?

kill yourself

I noticed the 'personal responsibility' drop in as well, and it's doing a lot of the heavy lifting in that sentence. I took it as his way of saying, no matter what happens, this is your problem, not ours. Don't worry, Republicans, the government is not here to help.

By the way, and I’ve mentioned this several times before, but when the epidemic was starting to hit the US, the Daily did an interview with the NYT reporter covering the disease. It was a really stark interview, and one of the few times the host showed breaking in the face of the reporter’s view of the situation and

Added to this, the issue of reopening is that infections and the situations that exacerbate them are not always predictable. I live in a county with a far lower incidence of Covid-19 than the surrounding counties. At least, that was the case around ten days ago.

The non-sequitur about freedom of speech Pence gave to explain why the administration’s corona parties aren’t hypocritical got all the attention, because it is amazingly stupid, but this line jumped out at me ever more:

I can hardly wait the White House’s reaction when the Northeastern states move to stop travel from the infected states.

Speaking of New York, I was very happy to read this report this morning confirming that the Black Lives Matter protests over the past month haven’t caused a spike in new coronavirus cases in NYC:

Back when we were still using UberEats regularly, our most common order was from a local teriyaki place. I’d get the chicken teriyaki + gyoza combo, and my wife would get their beef fried rice. Those two plates of rice plus just enough meat to distract you from the rice would cost us about $40, once you included the

The whole sector is another Softbank Special - i.e. aggressive speculative investments by Softbank into “gig economy” startups. They’ve driven a lot of the worst and most ridiculous ones.


It really is too bad this is the situation. At least theoretically, there is a great idea there. A lot of restaurants, especially smaller ones, don’t have enough delivery business in normal times to justify having drivers on staff, however there is extra business there that doesn’t need to take up space or server

NPR has a 2016 interview with Bobby Seale, co-founder of the Black Panther Party of Self-Defense (the group’s original full name). Seale recounts the story about Reagan, among other things.

The reason that the Dems don’t counterattack with what you listed is simple: the Dem establishment cut their political teeth in the 80s and and early 90s. In the 1980s, they saw that if they support or run as actual leftists or liberals they would be slaughtered by the conservative GOP. Then, in the 90s, Clinton won

Absolutely, Kelly! We can’t have mob rule! We need to stop armed mobs from trying to storm state houses and threatening governors!

2A certainly applie to black people as well as anyone else. In fact, more people should be buying firearms. If there’s truly going to be some kind of revolution, the other side is well armed. We should be too. There are a good number of socialist, anarchist and M-L people advocating firearm ownership to deal with the