
I think all her systems are jerry rigged by whichever angel intern was in charge of filling DNA orders the day she was conceived because he never got around to reading the manual and they switched the schedule around.

What do you think, when he was talking about the Democratic Party being “held captive by the most radical political mob in modern American history,” was he honestly too lacking in self-awareness not to realize that the MAGA crowd is the actual “most radical political mob” active today, or is he devious enough to use

Who is spreading that message?

That comment killed me. God’s perfect breathing system....get the fuck outta here.  

We have (large) fines where I live but they’re still mostly just giving “education” instead of actually fining anyone.

There’s a ball gag underneath that mask....

It’s pretty clear that the GOP is starting to get really nervous over Trump’s poll numbers and the possibility of flipping the Senate. It’s like they can tell the usual refrain of OMG SOCIALISM COMMUNISM THE DEMS ARE COMING FOR YOUR GUNS is not sticking to Biden, but they don’t know what else to say, because

“Look out voters, if you’re young and dynamic and you vote for a young dynamic Democrat like AOC, you’re going to end up with a government controlled by young dynamic people instead of really really old rich white men!” - Lindsey Graham.

Graham’s comments are so laughable. One of these times when a politician says “something HORRIBLE is happening here!!” when in reality most folks are like...we want this to happen? Of COURSE Schumer, Pelosi, and Biden are figureheads - nobody wants them, they’re just there because the Democratic Party is too cowardly

How do those dingbats in the Florida video feel about nurses and surgeons wearing masks during surgery? How about dentist and dental hygienists? That lady talking about taking away god’s perfect breathing system sounded like her breathing system isn’t working at 100% capacity.

So Republicans are trying to make AOC the face of the Democratic Party because, why again? Like, do they think that having a young, charismatic, intelligent person who has proven herself extraordinarily effective at communication is going to hurt Democrats?

Idk about that. The black and brown districts are growing and the white ones are shrinking. Also, we are becoming increasingly progressive with every single election. 

Most of this article is Stewart owning up to the lack of diversity on his staff and what lead to it. In an intelligent and insightful way. So why was the last bit necessary? I clicked it (maybe thats why?) thinking it was going to be about him having a history of yelling at staff. But it was only about the Cain

B...b..but the National Review headline that appeared despite my having a “show less from...” request said that she faced “serious challengers” and had been exposed an “extremist fraud” to her constituents!!!!

So who’s the shithole country now, trump?

I think we should make a big ass monument to Saddam Hussein. Then if anybody wants to tear it down, we can tell them that without the monument nobody would know who won Desert Storm or the Gulf War.

I cannot wait for all the statues of that bitch to come down.

So, so many things on this “statue law” bullshit.