
Not that there’s ever any logic to their fuckery, but concentrating everyone into a smaller number of polling places where they will spend many hours waiting to cast their votes is the exact OPPOSITE of what you want to do if you’re worried about COVID transmission.

“We’re worried about COVID.” Of course you are, that’s why you’re making it so over a half a million people have to go to ONE polling station. So you’re either really stupid or you’re hiding your racism. I’m thinking it’s a combination.

Republicans will claim it’s to protect against COVID, but you can be sure in November, every Republican district’s polling place will be open, and they’ll probably add a few dozen, while the COVID situation won’t have changed at all (other than probably 4-5 million infections and 250K deaths).

And how would this not be a direct violation of the fourteenth amendment, he asked, knowing this judge fully does not give a shit. Requiring 600,000 voters to go through one single polling place will unquestionably deprive  thousands of people their right to vote.

adversely impact the republican election,

A federal judge denied that request, which specifically stated concerns about disenfranchising black voters, stating that “last-minute action by the court would adversely impact the election,” writes CNN.

This quickly became my favorite part of the whole thing.

Now playing

6,200 people at Trump rally in Tulsa. Acts that had bigger crowds at the same venue in 2019:

- Sha Na Na
- The Pips (w/o Gladys Knight)
- Loverboy
- John Tesh
- The West Virginia Touring Company of La Traviata

I love he’s blaming protesters from keeping people away. Sure go ahead and basically blame your failure on your supporters by claiming they are afraid of liberal protesters. I’m sure they’ll love that!

Exactly. A lot of people seem to be under the impression that the TikTok teens and K-Pop stans somehow reserved all the seats. That’s not the case. The RSVP sign up is just for the campaign’s use. All rallies are first come first serve and you just walk in whether you filled out the RSVP or not. What the teens did was

Trumpgate part 2. Dumb ass boogaloo. 

It should also hit him in the wallet as well (at least, his “campaign” wallet).

This news made me smile all the way through Sunday. I’m still smiling now. There’s a certain lilt in my step, especially after seeing The Orange One all haggard, tie undone, clutching his little red MAGA hat, schlumping his way off air force one Saturday night. Ahahahaha!

The only good tweet.

I hope those K pop stans have some more great ideas on the go - just such a great little scam

Let us all bask in the comfort of above headline for just...just a brief moment.

Regardless of the long term impact; if they made Donny Dumb-ass cry they deserve a special category Nobel prize.

They were already feeding their base a liberal plot (that violent protestors were physically blocking entry) so the true story that a bunch of teenagers did it takes a lot of wind out of their sails.

Why not both? The message was bad; the risk was too high; and the liberals owned them.

honestly, this ongoing news cycle has been such a blessing.