
Yeah, it sounds like it’s Berman’s deputy, Audrey Strauss who will replace him, and not Barr/Trump’s choice. I wonder if he said something like, “I will resign if Strauss replaces me, but I will not resign otherwise, and I will make sure this gets dragged out as long and as publicly as possible if you try and force

This is an amazing night! Look at that rally! Look how many empty seats.

Nothing says “we’re doing what our constituents want” like holding a secret vote at 12:30 in the morning and using armed guards to make sure the public cannot participate.

She just wants to put heat on Biden to make sure Warren isn’t considered.

Elizabeth Warren’s my top VP choice.

The wypipo Midwestern vote must be appeased. The DNC’s been overcorrecting ever since they lost some of it in 2016.

That’s more words than necessary to say “People remember what I did and didn’t do.”

Also barf worthy - TN passed the most restrictive abortion ban in the country last night/this morning. at 12:30AM. They traded a tax cut to for the vote on the ban and snuck that shit in last minute, after stating it wouldn’t be a priority. closed the doors and had armed patrol keeping the public out.

I cannot understand people choosing Kamala Harris. SHE IS A COP! We’re out on the streets protesting AGAINST police and also want to elect someone who called herself the “top cop”? WTF?

This is a reminder that we can’t take our eyes of Joe Biden for a fucking second. He’s got terrible instincts. Exhibit A, he gets vaunted to the top by black folks, promises to have a woman on the ticket and then immediately looks at...Amy Klobuchar.

I have several friends that have looked into adoption and considering all the hoops they’ve gone through, I can’t imagine how a thirty year old single guy with a DUI charge in his recent past would have been allowed to adopt a twelve year old.

This is such a weird twist. It’s either:

I didn’t realize we were spelling beard that way now.

Holy fuck. He went from “I have a black friend” to “I have a brown son” as an excuse for his bigotry in no time flat.

On the Gaetz item, I even went and read the article behind the link and I still can’t make any sense what he is trying to achieve here. And yeah, I get the dunking on the Dems part, but it is just absurd.

How about we actually make a national holiday that will allow the disenfranchised and oppressed to actually take action and make their voice be count instead of a celebration of a symbolic victory. Election day should be a paid national holiday. Juneteenth is nice to celebrate but it is not a day that by simply having

Best headline I’ve read all day.

There is nothing in the world that requires a subpoena to testify, and nothing in the world that requires a formal setting to tell what you know. He didn’t testify because he didn’t want to spoil his book. 

What gets me is that all of the #resitance crowd still haven’t realized that the conservative and neocon never-Trumpers will immediately turn on Biden the moment he is inaugurated. Those Lincoln Project attack ads that mock Trump will immediately turn to attacking Biden so that someone like Mitt Romney will be elected

And in the six states that have reached more than 1,000 new cases a day, increased testing has allowed public health officials to identify most of the outbreaks in particular settings—prisons, nursing homes and meatpacking facilities—and contain them.