
I’ll be honest, I’m sick and tired of trying to rehabilitate these people or find a way to have them see the error of their ways so they can be a less-bigoted member of society.

Fuck her. She’s an adult. If she didn’t learn that racism is wrong or treating black people differently is wrong, she’s a lost cause. Sure,

Man, the final takeaway of trusting the tape is dead on. What’s so incredibly creepy about these caught in the wild examples is how self assuredly joyful they are in flexing the instruments of power they can access.

The only thing I’d suggest is that this line doesn’t strike me as correct: “Their first instinct was to react with fear...”.  I think rather, their first reaction was to act like they were in charge and that the person they were talking to was not their equal.

I can guarantee you one thing, if the demographics of the pandemic were flipped (i.e. it disproportionally affected white communities instead of minority communities), this country would have been shut down, and kept shut down, until a vaccine was developed and widely available.

‘Don’t say this - he’s a real man.’”

I’ll settle for teargassing him out of the White House.

It’s interesting you bring up Western MI. I did an internship in the winter before graduating college at a company located in Western MI. (It was a cold, lonely winter there.)

Not to mention that the biggest reason this is so ironically stupid is because, if you’re Black like myself, then you were probably raised by a mother or grandmother who would take you down if you didn’t wash your hands after you used the bathroom! It’s absolutely embedded in our culture, deep.

I’ve been thinking about the people in this administration and those who want to follow 45's word. Is it that he brings out the worst in people or that he caters to the worst? Or both?


That particular dogma is continually astounding considering Jesus took a rather dim view of the rich and powerful.

Imagine if the Union hanged the Confederate leadership and occupied the Confederate states for a full generation to weed out the remaining wealthy, racist, pro-slavery elites while insuring the safety and rights of the Black communities. The world would actually be a much better place because the US would be where

A while ago I posted that Speaker of the PA House of Representatives Turzai, a Republican, kept knowledge of a fellow Republican’s COVID-19 diagnosis a secret from all the Democrats in the House, but the other Republicans knew. Well, Turzai has announced that he will resign:

DeVos’ evilness is a particular strain of evangelical & Calvinist Christianity—Dutch Reform—that understands one’s worldly accomplishments/blessings as an indication that god blesses/has chosen them. In other words, if you are filthy rich like DeVos, it’s because god has blessed you (you are elect). If you’re poor?

She’s serving the interests of Christian nationalists. They want to kill public education and replace it with private Christian schools that a free to discriminate based on sexuality and race. (The movement to build several Christian academies were a reaction to desegregation; meant to create white enclaves. See

“Well, we are free, Mr. President. He did pretty well,” Faulker said of Abraham Lincoln. “You understand what I mean,” he replied. “Yeah, no, I get it,” Faulkner said.

I want to see a Barack Obama $ 50 bill, because that would just be some epic meltdowns.

“[Mnuchin concedes that] a future secretary would make the decision about whether Andrew Jackson would be replaced as the face of the note.”

I like how the GOP propaganda machine has become more efficient. Rather than have a press secretary talk, and then have a bleach blond fox anchor talk about it... they’ve cut out the middle man and just put the fox blond in the white house.

Um, no.  The White House press corps does NOT deserve hazard pay.  Sitting thru bullshit storms, raising only the meekest of protests is cowardly.  Stand up and call her on her bullshit; constantly; everyone.  Show some fucking backbone and do your job.