
That mislead will send stocks plummeting again--they’ve rebounded on the strength of that report, so naturally Dump will tweet anything to keep people from going wait, this actually says...

And none of them were arrested for intimidation, stalking or assault, I presume.

Who else had “Stephen Miller writes the world’s worst fire & brimstone ‘race relations’ speech” on their post-Buffalo-cops-police-violence-incident Bingo card ...?

“I built ten ships, but do they call me Seamus the shipbuilder? No!

Id be more worried about getting my hands back.

Last week no Republican senators would answer press questions about Trump’s church photo- op, hence there is film of each of them running from reporters or claiming they didn’t see it, or have to tend to a phone call or some such lie. Now, same deal on Trump’s absurd aspersion against Mr Gugino.

This is my absolute favorite genre of the spineless Republican, when Trump says something outrageous that is absolutely dominating the news cycle, and all these high profile, prominent politicians, all of whom have communications teams, pretend they haven’t heard about what a president of their own party said. Bonus

They’d never admit it but every single Republican was rolling their eyes as soon as they saw his latest gassy feeb-tweet because they’re all very much aware that Waddles is absolutely burying them right now. Just wait until he returns to doing his flatulent hate-rallies, he’ll be braying about nonsense that will make

What if someone push Turmp, how hard will he fall?

Listening to his rant is cathartic. I love that he spent all that time on hold practicing - his execution was flawless.

I’ll let Chris Rock respond:

It was a brilliant speed driven declaration of filth and fury.   Loved it.

Hunter S Thompson raises a margarita in your direction somewhere out there, methinks.

We went to visit my grandparents one state over when my brother was toilet training, over 50-odd years ago. There wasn’t room in the car for both his car seat and potty chair so the potty chair became the car seat for John.

I was born in 1976, so it’s likely I was strapped into one of those buckets in my parents’ AMC Gremlin. I have no memory of that, just taking over the back of the station wagon on road trips. With my older brother in the back seats and me rolling around the cargo area, we both had plenty of space and my parents got a

a vast improvement over what had been available just a decade before”...

The arm was real in the 70s. 

I remember sitting on the back seat and sliding back and forth with every turn of the car. It was especially fun when my dad was driving and would intentionally swerve all over the road. Fun times!

My dad used to let me sit on his lap and steer the car, and often we’d drive by other folks including local police and wave. :)

Doubtful. This entire thing is just a cash grab. It sounds like a cross between Unsolved Mysteries and Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.