
One of the problems with the MNPLS FPD is that the union contract is so strong that it’s virtually impossible to fire an abusive police officer. St. Paul, which has a contract with a different police union, has far fewer problems with violently abusive police. Disbanding may be a mechanism to re-negotiate the contract

Camden already did this...

fuuuuuuuuck that skank is ugly. Douchebags with those skeezy circle patch beards always look like dirty assholes that learned to talk. Ross Douhat is a huge fucking dirty asshole.

This hunky exemplar of masculine prowess?

The inevitable consequence of allowing ‘both sides’ when one side is fucking racist.

I still cannot believe he admitted that he literally didn’t do his job. That’s how low we have sunk as a country.

Cotton has the right to his opinions... I suppose. He does not have the right to have them published in the New York Times. So Cotton, Bennett and assorted apologists should kindly fuck off.

For most of my career, I’ve been trying to get published in the NYT op-ed pages. No response ever.

Bennett is an idiot for not reading the piece prior to publication. He has to know who Cotton is and what he was likely to write. So just on stupidity alone it is appropriate that he is out.

I’d like to say “life comes at you fast” but Bennet has basically been running wild over the Times op-ed page for four years. He hid behind the idea of “intellectual diversity,” but whatever intellectual conservatism looks like, it sure wasn’t to be found in the conservatives on the NYT editorial page under Bennet.

Tom Cotton sounds like a GoT royal bastard name for somebody born on a motherfucking plantation. Tom Cotton is here to defend his people south of the Mason Dixon Wall from the Black Marchers.

James Bennet is making a show of self martyrdom. The “first amendment” ghouls are already lauding him. But he was grossly incompetent. Will anyone of us still be allowed keep our jobs if we put out a white paper at our jobs without reading it? During the biggest crisis of the time no less. Good riddance to lazy,

Fun fact, he became a journalist after his application to the CIA was denied.

It’s because no Emory woman in her right mind would ever schtup a Newt-toad.

I’m know how to throw a proper punch. I’ve met many men in my life who swear they could “crack skulls” and “lay down the law” if they needed to.

Best commentary I have seen here in a while.  Came here to express the exact same opinion.  Brilliant.  More of this please. 

Officially petition for Harron to write every Dirt Bag piece from now on.

arguing that this mass grassroots uprising against police brutality and white supremacy is actually some sort of top-down conspiracy coordinated by wealthy elites

Fox News doesn’t even try to hide it’s racism. Be a shame if they rioted in front of the Fox News building.

It’s been kind of amazing to watch pundits like Carlson et al - in addition to regular workaday Karens - and see genuine fear. Not just the performative shorts filling they typically work in, but real, honest to god terror.