
Two FBI officers read me my Miranda rights and told me that they “just wanted to talk.” When I asked them what they wanted to talk about, they responded that they were “just talking” to all the protesters.

It’s important to note that every officer I came in contact with behaved professionally and were not forceful or violent in any way.

*blows kiss*

He can apologize by kissing my black ass, and then he can resign.

Birmingham Mayor’s phone number: 205-254-2771

Wow, that’s a bargain-basement excuse. It’s the “my brother hacked my account and sent you that embarrassing love note” level, it’s “I swear doc, I slipped, fell, and landed on that cucumber, why it’s covered with a condom I’ll never know” level.

“He goes on to say that he doesn’t consider himself a racist and the word “just slipped out.””

he didn’t “believe there’s ever been a good person of color killed by a police officer.”

Those poor “black friends” probably are trapped in that town by economic circumstances, and are afraid of crossing that sheriff by spurning his “friendship.

iPhones are capable taking commercial quality photos and videos with the right software; and are a lot easier to carry than pro cameras. 

DONT FEED THE TROLLS. This guy is a racist asshole.  He tries to post stats that he can't even understand how evaluate clearly.  Block him and move on.

Got it. You hate america.

I can’t open the links as they want me to kill my ad blocker first. So I don’t know what happened in that case being mentioned.

The problem is there ARE intelligent racists, and they’re the ones you really have to watch out for since they tend to not announce their ignorance freely and proudly, unlike your typical maga neo-nazi good ol’ boy type of inbred racists, and are able to cause a lot more damage as a result of them staying under the

His correction still says the same thing.

I don’t know why anyone would expect the current Republican crew to suddenly get it. They got where they are by waving the confederate flag - the actual symbol of a slave-supported culture, legal and economic system, and social order. It worked last time and there’s still a chance it will work again for them. How long

I mean they really determined to show their asses now huh? Good at least join Trump, Brees and the rest out in the open

Stewart: Alexa, make me sound less racist.