
Keep carrying that russian water


Well said. 


I don’t think it’s appropriate to use the term, commentariat regarding this site anymore. Lets face it.  All the good users have been gone for years. 

Its so obvious no one of value reads this site anymore.

Your supposed to pick who you like. Not front run the damn thing. 

The best democrats have the worst marketing because they think their ideas will carry the day.  

So I can only bring myself to this site a couple times a week. Kinda like visiting the grave of an old friend.

Good god black people. What are you thinking tonight? Did you really see all the stuff motherfucking white people throw in with the old guard and think. Oh yeah, if we rally for them this time they aren’t going to totally fuck us over. Cause they couldn’t have won with out us? Because that’s worked so well in the

Ugh black people.  It’s like the huge amount of signaling on the news and web that all the centrist we’re throwing in behind Biden so they did too.  I guess I was naive to think we would be intelligent enough to choose Warren, or Sanders.  But man.. old school centrist alley just seems like a bucket of fail. Which is

Kind of a fucked up moment for the democratic establishment types to flex, ya know!

She rails against the progressives too. Don’t get me wrong. I love to watch her dunk on trump but I need a network who isn’t so anti progressive. I can barely watch cable news post Iowa and it was on 24/7 since impeachment.  These days..well..  I hate listening to people bullshit me. 

Honestly, the railing against the left of the party since Iowa have been very upsetting. The centrists have decided it’s their boy Biden or they are going to burn down the house. They have chosen to say thing which jeopardize the ability to win in a time where it’s most critical.

As long as she’s a solid progressive voice. 

Yeah. Tough call if your voting tomorrow 

Yeah. I see a bit of that simmering over on Daily KOS from their overwhelmingly centrist contingent.  It’s pretty fucked up. 

Except there a vaccine is at least a year out the last I checked. 

I get what your saying but I think it waters down rape.  

This is how things will get done.