You know..
You know..
Centrists gonna centrist
ugh.. yeah
Tbh. The dmv is pretty awesome in de. Everything’s right there. It’s super efficient and I’m usually out in 15 min.
I just love everything AoC says.
They are now owned by the relics of Forbes and playboy.
Big pharma. Happened at the end of the summer. Might be something archived on splinter iirc
I’d take Biden over Bloomberg any day of the week.
Heh also a hockey guy.
Yeah. I don’t see why you campaign to them. Nor the ‘centrist,’ crew who are mostly comprised of front runners. Those people will always follow the wave.
I’m just saying as someone who grew up around Skadden Arps guys, and now is surrounded by marketing people all the time..
I’d say the suspicion arose from Pete’s campaign blocking the poll from release, then claiming victory the first night. (Pedantically sure, but he still did).
Not a bro.
Yeah. The only thing Iowa showed was just how in the tank Msnbc is for centrist/billionaire candidates.
This is spanfellers site now :/
This is a good description of how the Democrats continue to fail as a party. I can’t wait until the AoC’s of the Party take over. Just hope it’s not too late