
Yeah. From the moment that poll was canceled at the request of Buttigieg’s camp to the app failing and the ensuing chaos..

Omfg Msnbc today.  The pro Biden/Pete/Amy and absolute hate for Bernie has made my eyes roll so hard up in my head.  

Actually. Trump might literally burn it all down

Alan Derpowitz

Birds of a feather goose step together ;) 

The answer is it would have come out long ago from a collection of other establishments. Rather than the silo’d comb over bs we have now.

I don’t care. 

Hah commentariot

Warner media owns att who owns cnn


Agreed. The NA thing is bonkers. My family has been here since the revolution(Mom’s side) and there are huge books listing my family and their relations over the years. To believe those books are accurate. That nobody had an affair, and that everyone’s children were actually theirs is kinda ...silly?


All the shit going on today, and the big news is petty concern trolling..

Whatever dude. They can make money available for spaceduckong force  we can figure out how to make her stuff work. 

Fuck right off with that disingenuous bullshit


Well duh.

Heh. Been saying the same thing about 1984/451

Wow they were dumb.
