Wow. Anybody just see trump throw Rudy out of the getaway car?
Wow. Anybody just see trump throw Rudy out of the getaway car?
Enough with the high school whiny friends routine. It’s about the changes which desperately need to occur. I don’t care if it’s Warren or Sanders. But if it’s some billionaire, milquetoast centrist(looking at you drug money Buttigieg), or god knows what else these fools will pull out of their asses we are going to…
This is so much my life..
Where the men are men, the sheep are scared..
Weren’t those pols from week 1 of the testimony?
We have been living through the age of Irony, poetic justice does seem the rational way forward. We just need to cross the river of comeuppance..
Agreed. I’m kinda into it but even if I wasn’t at least it’s something new. The traditional auto companies have become so homogenized.
I feel if you were to tell this story eventually with a slapstick comedic bent(naked gun/three stooges/Chevy chase), yet (Relatively)faithful to the Transcripts and it would be hilarious.
That’s a good point. Probably great for a family of hockey players.
Actually, matte black would be cool for this.
It’s an exo/monocoque thing where the body carries the load
Is it just me or are the number of people who believe this Russia hoax stuff a direct indictment of the current paradigm, and to a greater extent ad revenue distro on the web, the current media companies operate under?
Who do you admire?
From the comments here I kinda figured you guys were into the whole pt cruiser look
It would give me the ability to troll an entire redneck town just by cruising through it.
Antithetically, that ball bearing would have blasted through the window on any other car on the market. Especially a ball bearing that big.
Is that the atv is real..I want him to make a lawn mower.
No problem there. I don’t know why anyone would want that knock off Jaguar design after seeing this..and it’s specs!