Totally agree.
Totally agree.
Kinda love it.
Every time she spoke it was like:
I know some of it’s the lighting but I swear his forehead two bumps on either side which really look like horns about to push through
Pete didn’t have traction either..until he started taking big drug and insurance money.
The republicans are obviously afraid of Dr Hill.
Ya know..
Moneyed interests have wanted us shut down since Gawker. Apparently we scare them enough to be destroyed.
I miss everything about Gawker.
One in a row!
Wow dude.
I like how Bolton’s getting a little dirty.
Did you just see the
Given his age and behavior I always thought he was dyslexic
Your really evolving the art of
All the stuff going on and this is what they have your work on?
If I hear these talking heads saw in real time... one more time.
He’s always struck me as an over the hill, kinda chunky Robin.
The other reason Epstein had to be suicided.
My second answer.