ah yes,
ah yes,
Or we could stop paying farmers to sell to ethanol producers, and use the corn as feed(what is used to be) which would lower the base inputs across the board for livestock and fish farms thereby dramatically and broadly reducing costs for many food products.
yeah...thats not how that industry works since the mid oughts when corporate foodservice began taking over.
The dark sceptic in me wonders if part of this is because they were coming for centrist Joe. I’ll enjoy this for now, but wonder if things would be the same if they were coming for someone else.
Not that strange. All you have to have is a good name and a pulse in that town.
You can trust them about as much as we can trust ours. Because we’ve been doing that for at least the past 20yrs
That’s because they never bothered to grow an identity outside of their jobs. Kinda sad really.
It’s definitely hate. Across the entire age, and political spectrum. No gray area, whatsoever.
It’s everything they’ve stood against, since the beginning
I can’t thunk of one person, on either side, who doesn’t hate her.
That would be really funny, actually.
Truly a born leader.
I wonder what benefit she thinks there is to gain from saying she didn’t do X. Republicans will certainly light her up as if she did X. Their frothing base will believe them, not her. Must be some donor thing. What a decades long disaster she has been for the party.
Through the initial stages of the whistleblower thing, Snowden keeps popping up.
Decades of national enquirer unpublished shenanigans.
Definitely boarder line
bout as useful as the tsa..
Need better Dems