You know who’s not going to change anything?
You know who’s not going to change anything?
Ah yes, such fond memories of central mass and on the cape.
Monday morning quarterbacking to look tough. It was kind of a thing with her generation.
If Democrats would stop campaigning like idiots it would have been used to get Mitch out of there..
Impressive, really..
I’m kinda of the mind that we just sold them a bunch of weapons, and have sold them lots of weapons
fire ants, definitely fire ants.
Honestly, that pass the chairs around various boardrooms is normal shit if you’re a blueblood from Greenville. Knowing anything about the company of the board one sits on isn’t really necessary, or relevant.
have to agree..two very much have the prep school, still play racquetball or squash, douche’s. As to most of their talking heads. I think with the progressive pendulum potentially about to swing back this gives them the appearance of being a bit more liberal. Because, honestly, they are not. I can’t take that…
David Hasselhoff. Because it’s 40yrs later and there is no Kit to drive me home.
Have you see her speak, or even in an interview? Woman has crazy energy.
Unfortunately, that was the moment it became apparent she might lose. It she had turned around and wtf’d him. Either funny or
I remember doing the moon in high school. We used to stack as many asses across the back of a bus as we could. Memory’s a bit hazy, but 17 sounds about ballpark for the record.
We would probably all be a little..umm..sensitive if we gave the world nazi’s.
oh god...that xfiles episode....she kinda looks like that actress too :x
I’d guess because it crossed state lines which gives the fbi jurisdiction. They can be kinda slow, but do pretty good work
fucks wrong with you?
Someone needs to tell these people affordable healthcare is spelled Warren.