Agreed. Pale Saints were another band that missed out on the career they should have had through that pigeonholing. Their first two albums are both great, and have stood the test of time remarkably well.
Agreed. Pale Saints were another band that missed out on the career they should have had through that pigeonholing. Their first two albums are both great, and have stood the test of time remarkably well.
Pre-internet, I used to assume they were hugely unappreciated, but they actually seem to be referenced quite a bit these days.
By coincidence, it’s also the noise I make when I stifle a sneeze.
I’m not sure about the rest of Europe, but in the UK, these were probably a bit more common than a Corrado, but a bit less common than, say a Hyundai Coupe. Certainly not an everyday sight. Maybe once a week.
Ahem. Breaking news...
I dare say I might change my mind if I ever got to drive one, but I could never get excited about the the Bugatti Veyron.
I don’t how prices compare in the states, but in the UK, you can buy a reasonably nice Bentley Continental GT for the price of a new FiST. Or, if you’d prefer to spend a little more to get something newer, a Flying Spur. It’s the better choice, and will actually be slightly cheaper than an equivalent GT of the same age…
Fucking what? Johnson and Cameron go waaaaay back, with an association far deeper than just happening to live in the same posh bit of the Wolds. Google “Bullingdon Club” if you don’t believe me.
Take your pick from the Caterham 620R, Ariel Atom 3, or Lotus 2-Eleven and annihilate any $200,000 supercar you care to mention.
That’s the first time I’ve ever heard anyone describe it as funky. Insouicance yes, but style? From my experience, you’re definitely in the minority there.
Given that we’re talking about the ultimate Dadmobile, I’m going to take that as a compliment.
I think the specifics of what happened are largely irrelevant. Either he was in control and deliberately crowded Hamilton off the circuit, or he wasn’t in control and re-entered the road in an unsafe manner. Either way, he messed up. Either way, he gets a penalty.
Those Alfa 145s were actually a pretty popular car in the UK at the time, but sadly, no more. This time-slurping website tells you every you need to know about their longevity....
But the Ferrari had more races where it was quicker than the Mercedes than the other way round, so how does Hamilton driving a Mercedes come into it?
For the record, I’m not a huge fan of Hamilton’s celebrity persona, but you can’t help but be impressed by him as a driver. So no, I’m not annoyed, I just couldn’t figure out under what circumstances anyone who has watched this season could give Vettel a higher rating. I still say Hamilton was peerless, but I accept…
This needs more explanation. If “combativity” means something along the lines of “to be in a promising position, but then make a decision which usually ends up with your car facing the wrong way round”, then I might understand how Vettel could end up with more points than Hamilton. But you also bring race skills into…
Pretty sure that’s a Volvo, dude...