
And now I'm locked back out. Fucking hell.

Loath as I am to say so using my real name, Rose has a cute butt.

That? There are really so many to come.

Wow, my dad swore so much he turned me into the Church Lady

I remember, but not much. I did a drawing of Mr. Burns saying "Hello, lamp post!" When the cliffhanger resolved I was starting kindergarten. My dad very smugly spoiled the answer, but then again he also insisted that Mickey Mouse framed Roger Rabbit.

I lost my AVClub account after all! Thanks, Obama!

Did you notice the shout out to the Unit Dating Controversy!?

It doesn't explain why the site on Chrome is just a white void.

After everything has settled, the queen comes to the globe, sees the Doctor, and is furious with him. Martha asks why, and he says he doesn't know because it hasn't happened to him yet.

1. Baker made me squee. If I was younger I'd probably have cried.
2. He didn't have to, but I love that Moffat decided to tie up the teaser way back at the end of "The Shakespeare Code."
3. The BBC said Capaldi made a cameo, but I didn't see him.
4. I can't login as Montypark, and the site suddenly doesn't work on Chrome

Oh God, it's Sally Draper and Ma Francis all over again.

Adam and Crosby have hit a really nice, playful groove, and I wish the show would show us more of that without feeling the need to break it up with other junk.

I was so pissed we didn't have one, either. My parents thought they could get away with "telling me not to watch things," or the fact that 10-year-olds aren't entertained by, say, NYPD Blue. And they were right, but that's not the point!

People who have access to In-N-Out, Five Guys, and Krystal shouldn't have to bother with that shit, anyway.

It's been lonely since 7th Heaven went off the air.

Don't even joke about that. Carl's Jr. makes me never want to have sex.

Everyone in America looks like they just got released from prison and are going to spend the next 30 years in a bed made out of shopping carts.

Actually, the colors are designed to prevent people from excreting on them.

Little do Berliners know that "Bear violating foreign backpacker" is its own section in many Vienna basements.

Yale is awesome because (1) Rory Gilmore went there, (2) it has an honest-to-God secret society, (3) people don't blather on about going there like Harvard kids, and (4) without it there would be no Doonesbury.