
Get me, I'm a wood nymph!

I assume you're pretending that the Doug Yule edition of Velvet Underground didn't really happen? I mean, I've never heard _Squeeze_, but I have to assume that it wasn't good.

My favorite thing about the original Amityville 3-D is that, as it made clear on the poster and in the trailers, it was not a sequel to the other two Amityville movies. Or a prequel. Apparently they didn't have the rights to the "Amityvillr Horror" brand in any way, but they went ahead and made their movie anyway.

Heist Movie!
You've heard that they're blocking all cell reception in the area of Buckingham Palace, right? And this is an occasion where they open up the Royal Vault to get at the Crown Jewels. It writes itself!

The Simpsons are having flashbacks to things that directly contradict things that happened on the show. That's the problem. In the 1990s, was Homer:

I met her at San Diego Comic Con a couple years ago
She was awesome.

The soundtrack to the "Popeye" movie is actually available on iTunes. I was surprised too!

"Are you being ironic, dude?" "…I don't even know anymore."

"Somebody sliced some people up last night."
Yeah, there's no way that was the next night. The cards were still stuck in their neck wounds! And for a city that's supposedly cracking down on even public urination, it's awfully casual of the cops not to have at least put some tape up to keep people out of the crime

I think "roughly a decade" is overstating things a little. The AV Club debuted as a newspaper section in 1993, got the name "The AV Club" in 1995, and hit the internet in 1996. In 1998, Dawson's Wrap started, and it changed to Mighty Big TV in 1999 (or so), and became Television Without Pity some time after that.

Possibly "modi operandorum"

Carolyn Jones (not the one who played Morticia Addams)
I felt the same way. It's not cool to lie to someone who's already unstable and medicated, and I felt like the show wanted me to laugh at her and her talk of ball cancer.

Someone besides me watched the GnR making-of-the-video videos? My favorite part was when everyone who wasn't Axl said "I have no idea what's supposed to be happening."

Let's put our ANKLES in it!

Sophia is not dynamic
All Sophia does is sit quietly in interrogation rooms while people emote at her. Martinez and Sterling keep calling her a liar, but she hasn't said anything definite enough to BE a lie. Does she claim to be an alien? A human? A hologram from an alternate dimension?

Well, the results show is about 40% composed of recaps of the previous night's show. You gotta talk about something, and it's either a second description of the performance show or paying way more attention to the guest acts than anyone cares about.

I think 90% of the problem with the stepping routine was the sound. I was hoping that all those tappers last season would convince them to mike the stage, but I guess not.

I love that Ru types like Stephen Colbert. And anything that will bring Pandora Boxx and Tammie back onto television can't be a bad thing.

I actually kind of like the idea of an artist who works exclusively in self-portraits, trying to achieve something different with each one. I don't think Ryan's the guy to pull that off (and I don't think he really achieved much of anything with this one), but I'd enjoy seeing him stick to his guns now that he's

Wait wait wait. Let me get this straight.
So the movie that had Adolfo "Shabba-Doo" Quinones in it was NOT the Golan-Globus one? I always assumed that because he was the star of Breakin' and Breakin' 2, he was in the Lambada movie by the same people.