
It’s too bad that show only lasted one season, it had such potential.

I enjoy how every game in these conference finals is like a self-contained entity that has no relationship whatsoever to anything that came before or will come after, other than the simple fact the same people are involved. It’s like watching a Law and Order marathon.

No, it’s like hating Stephen Colbert right now because we works at the same network as Jim Jefferies who told a crude joke during a stand-up routine.

while you’re doxxing former Deadspin commenters can you tell me what Iron Mike Gallego’s real name is, i need to ask him what rolex goes best with my porsche

Brave? LOL

I said most. But thanks for the personal attack.

“This is not the first time a team has ever tied things up after dropping two games on the road” Weird, almost like the league is interested in keeping fans of underdog teams invested/watching. 

I ask you again: how can you all watch this “basketball” and claim to enjoy what you’re seeing? I tried watching the second half last night, but holy shit modern NBA play is so ugly, boring and has almost no flow - like constant whistles/stops in play.

It just furthers my assumption that most post-season series are rigged to go as many games as possible because of the massive amounts of money.

Are we really not going to talk about the refs in game 4?

I feel jerked around by the takes. Team X (after a blowout) is unstoppable and their opponents don’t even deserve to be in the playoffs. Two days later after a blowout goes the other way: Team X is a bunch of desperate frauds who don’t have an answer for [fill in opposing team’s star] and their opponents have just too

This playoff round in general is frustrating me. Whether it’s what you describe above, or the GSW and Houston Rockets trading blowouts, it’s all so inconsistent. Can’t we get some close games? Instead every game is “lol, they forgot how to play”, and then the next game, “lol, now THEY forgot how to play”.

I’d like to take this moment to remind everyone that it all started going downhill for Boston when Lauren Theisen referred to them as the ‘Tics.

two things happened: lebron james tried and the nba (in game 3) gave him motivation*

There is nothing that makes me hate basketball more than watching Harden flail for a foul. I don’t get how people can root for this team.

I don’t take any joy in the Warriors success, but damn if it isn’t satisfying watching a basketball team that effortlessly moves the ball destroy a team whose only gameplan is “iso with the occasional kick out to a shooter if I’m feeling generous.”

This is the correct take. While the Warriors are completely unfair and have broken the NBA in many ways, at least they play an aesthetically pleasing brand of basketball. The Rockets play the most joyless and soulless basketball I have ever witnessed.

But I don’t have to outrun the tiger. I just have to outrun you.

Our bodies are not built to fight large cats. We have thin skin that doesn’t do a good job protecting our vitals from large claws and huge teeth. We’re good at problem solving and throwing things, and we’re built to do some physical things quite well, but fighting large cats and bears is not what we excel at.

It’s true. Cougars will destroy you if they get you on your back.