
Thanks for being a Knicks fan who gets it. I got into a debate with a guy who thinks Bridges would be a bad pick because he “doesn’t project to be an All Star”, which 1) neither do a lot of eventual All Stars; and 2 who cares? Does he grade out to be a wing defender who can shoot, which this team needs and most/all

They have steadily thrown money at soft-brained, soft-bodied, offensively oriented, pre-washed quasi-stars...

You’re putting a lot of faith into them, and that’s admirable, but I’m willing to bet just before they pull all of the pieces together, Dolan decides to fire Fizdale because Dave says Dolan’s band is “okay, not Aerosmith or anything.”

7/4/2, 25 mpg-Giannis

Im a huge Knick fan of almost 30 years, and I am cautiously optimistic about this. ESPN has them taking Sexton, who can score— but is ANOTHER PG. I swear to Odin, I will tear off my beard if the Knicks take another point guard.

Now we’re gonna hear, yeah but so did x amount of teams. NO,

Joakim Noah (who was last seen spreading blessings in the rainforest with a blond beard that actually looks pretty good on him)


someone’s Dad being a Mets fan should have quite literally nothing to do with whether a team drafts him or not. If the Knicks drafted a player and ever gave any indication, even years later, that one of the reasons they took him was b/c “his Dad is a Mets fan”, they would be rightfully mocked forever.

People like to crap on Frank Ntilikina, and I’ll admit he didn’t look great offensively, but it can’t be overlooked how young the kid is. He is the same age or younger than many of the one and done’s in this years draft. for example he’s slightly younger than Ayton, Bamba, and Michael Porter, and only a couple months

You’re crazy. TLJ had some of the worst storytelling I’ve seen in a movie. You and many others act altruistic, but have your Star Wars superfan blinders on. Rose alone is good enough reason to hate that movie. She was patronizing, pointless, and stole the attention away from more important characters.

Actually... I can accept the Vader scene. He was an important figure in the Empire and there was a big fight going on. His presence makes sense. What I don’t like is the “Wow! Who would have ever guessed that the bartender from the Mos Eisley cantina is actually Mon Mothma’s brother?” kind of stuff that seems to get

At the moment is sitting on an 70% review and is going down as I write, that’s very bad if you think about the fact that Avengers and Deadpoll will be competing with you, and they got better reviews. Solo is the first Star Wars am not going to see at the movies, Ron Howard is just an okay director,

IMO,powerful feeling of ‘paid revue’ is strong in this one...

The whole film hinges on Ehrenreich’s portrayal of a younger, still-developing version of the legendary character, and I’m happy to report he nails it.

>>>“...There are times Ehrenreich is unrecognizable as Han Solo....”<<<

Like anyone could trust this site with how far you all are up Disney’s ass. You even tried to do damage control for the horrible horrible TLJ. You’re nothing but a propaganda/PR machine for corporations at this point.

germain no offense but you’re probably the biggest hack shill on the internet. I’ll take a middling review from you as evidence this movie is a total piece of shit.

“Then, for fans, it’s packed with Star Wars references. And I mean packed.” I REALLY hope this doesn’t mean ‘crammed in fan service’ like Dr. Evazan and Pondo Baba in Rogue One. I liked that movie... but that moment yanked me out. Bail Organa was OK because he made sense in the story. (I’m not going to discuss dead