
That’s a really good explanation, thank you. I still find my head spinning from it, however.

“See guys? Not so easy keeping two sets of books,” -Bernie Madoff.

Teed myself up for that one and I knew it.

In a twist of irony, the Duke establishment failed to pay ASCAP fees, which meant Young Dolph did not Get Paid.

Fuck Duke.

Brown... apologized and shut the song off before offering to give Moneta his items free of charge.

It gets even better.

I would put the percentage of Duke students who get mad at the name above 30%. I want a reporter on the scene to gather reactions.

This is almost performance art

I will bet you a dollar that this asshole was on the phone while in line.

[Wakes up.]

While this does seem like a generic college administrator power trip that could happen anywhere, I think it is greatly accentuated by happening at Duke, where privilege is so entrenched that it spawns shit like this more often than not.

The Sex Cauldrun? I thought they shut that place down

I am a middle-aged white guy and I really don’t want to hear your music. (Especially — and I don’t know why this is a sudden trend — blasting out of your shitty iPhone speakers on the subway. Fuck off with that.)

Probably tried to get them to sign a noncompete form so they couldn’t work for other coffee shops in the area. (this is something fast food places have actually tried to do)

Sources indicate that local prick Larry Moneta refuses to call the shop “Joe Van Go” and insists on pronouncing it “Joe Van Gokhghhck.” Because he’s cultured and shit.

young dolph needs to come out with a new song called ‘get severance pay, young nigga’

“Good!” -Old Dolph Lundgren

The image at the top is precisely what I would have pictured had you given the story and nothing else. Just some beyond middle aged guy who must not be interrupted while conducting the very important business of conducting very important business.

It feels like he was angry about having his little white bubble pierced by the culture of the black people whose city surrounds Duke. Never mind that Duke would not exist at all without the labor of African Americans.