
LeBron finally has his Scottie Pippen.

If there’s a line at the door the next time I go to BC, I’m holding you personally responsible.

If Brown keeps this up Kyrie Irving might have to demand a trade.

I really, really hope it doesn’t work for Phoenix. I have no idea why, but I’ve really grown to hate that team during their “process”.

It sucks rooting for teams like the Kings and Knicks who are genuinely bad yet pick 7th and 9th behind teams like the Bulls, Magic and Suns etc who actively tank. Even the Cavs did a better job tanking than the Knicks, throwing their final game (against NYK) to pick one slot ahead of New York.

Contracting Phoenix and Orlando might end tanking once and for all.

I hate Joe Buck just as much so the Fox games aren’t much better for me, and I don’t watch the Sunday night games because it seems that’s when every single tv show I watch is scheduled. Kays vacations are a nice break, but they’re usually during the west coast swing, and I can’t stay up that late.

“Giancarlo, my car go, 150, swiftly..” - stolen from facebook.

“It is high! It is far! It is.... caught by the shortsop!” is the least painful to listen to.

Waldman definitely has compromising pictures of George Steinbrenner, I guess maybe Kay and Sterling got in on the action.

I hate that man with the fire of a thousand suns.

Kay actually complimented Boone for “pushing all the right buttons” yesterday, which I guess means Boone handed in the lineup card. I still hate Sterling more for the home run calls and for taking just a little joy out of every Yankee victory with his caterwauling.

I disagree. Nobody should every be responsible for their own decisions or actions.

I would prefer he go to a team with trough toilets, but that works for me.

Marlins Man and “superfans” in general are gross, moreso when teams or media treat them like they matter. I hope it’s not true that Detroit has already contacted him to be “Tigers Man”.

I only take the bait when it’s a digital dollar, none of that prime pantry nonsense for me. Even if I don’t need the item for a month I’ll select free two day shipping over a dollar from prime pantry.

I’ve been a victim of this cruel deception in the past. Once with Amazon, I tried to purchase a pair of adidas sneakers for a vacation it was “two day shipping” so I figured it was plenty of time for my vacation which was a week or two away. Unfortunately, I didn’t notice they were from a third party seller, in

The FBI needs to hurry the hell up.

ESPN, Nike and USA Basketball with a little bit of help from 2kSports.

Go to an ATM, withdraw cash, give the cash to your bartender when they serve you a drink. The ATM should return your card after you withdraw.