
Do you know what a masochist is?

Is Cory Charlie's American cousin?

Damn, I was hoping that they might be selling off one of Hayley Atwell's bras.

A virus with shoes as Bill Hicks once said.

I love that picture where she is wearing a bikini and she has a "get your hand off my breast" look on her face.

Funnily enough "Dude, where's my etymology" was the provisional title of a sequel to the original Aston Kutcher film.

And people wonder why Montoya's nickname was Pinball when he was an F1 driver.

I'm really shocked that Goldman Sachs were involved in this...

Well he was from Little Rock so it probably reminded him of his birthplace.

Only a few weeks ago I watched a documentary about the last Apollo moon landing and they said they had one guy whose job it was was to make sure that they captured the lift off of the last lunar module.

So which episodes of Entourage did you write?

Indeed. I was going to make a post about whether or not Americans will ever realise that Israel is not your friend, it is an abusive partner.

Perhaps it's because the type of people who read lot of books are often older and more intelligent/moral than those who listen to music/watch films and so less likely to know how to or want to "steal" something. I realise that's a huge generalization, but I think that there is some truth in it.

I bet the manufacturers wish that Michael Jackson was still alive....

I was thinking more in terms of the hours worked, forced overtime, time off work etc.

That sounds like what Donald Rumsfeld said with his ridiculous "There are known knowns..." statement! There was a hell of lot more proof that he didn't have them especially from people like the UN Weapons Inspectors who didn't have an agenda. If you start believing what politicians tell you, over impartial sources

So they still have to work in godawful working conditions then? Apple don't seem to get it.

Indeed, but the guys at the top enjoy the power too much to do anything that could cause them to lose it.

Well to think that Saddam still had WMD you would have had to ignore several things such as....

Actually there was plenty of evidence that Iraq didn't have WMD, but it was ignored by those who had a vested interest in the invasion going ahead.