
I was thinking more in terms of the hours worked, forced overtime, time off work etc.

That sounds like what Donald Rumsfeld said with his ridiculous "There are known knowns..." statement! There was a hell of lot more proof that he didn't have them especially from people like the UN Weapons Inspectors who didn't have an agenda. If you start believing what politicians tell you, over impartial sources

So they still have to work in godawful working conditions then? Apple don't seem to get it.

Indeed, but the guys at the top enjoy the power too much to do anything that could cause them to lose it.

Well to think that Saddam still had WMD you would have had to ignore several things such as....

Actually there was plenty of evidence that Iraq didn't have WMD, but it was ignored by those who had a vested interest in the invasion going ahead.

What has Iran done that is illogical? Foreign powers have been threatening them and now they want something that they hope will make their enemies wary about invading their country, which sounds like common sense to me.

You forget that they are also politicians who will do anything to cling onto power. Ever wonder why the likes of Bin Laden, al-Zarqawi etc never carried out suicide attacks themselves?

The people who wrote the sampled tune often have to be credited as the songwriters on the song that uses the samples, so presumably they get royalties off it as well.

If you had a husband who looked like him, wouldn't you want a separate residence?

Why would they spend money training engineers when the Chinese government will do it for free?

And they have the photograph to prove it.

Dr Beat?

My first thought was also that he was a giant douche bag, but I noticed in his Wiki entry that his first job after retiring from the MPAA was to be the President of Friends of the Global Fight Against AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, so you can't really say that he is a total dick.

I was thinking the same thing. Also it reminds of when they built a an aluminium car on America Hotrod and then went to test it on the salt flats!!

I was just going to suggest that it was the drunken execs who actually stole the trucks!

Mr Talal is also indirectly responsible for The Daily Show/Fox News finest moment...

Do these people not recognize a weather balloon when they see one?

Media Centre is the only advantage that I've noticed.

I think you put a superfluous 's' in that last sentence.