Monty Borror

Just a question, did anyone try not speeding as a way to get fewer tickets?

Not my intent. That was just a comparison of time spent/cost analysis. But I'll add that Marvel/DC are not the end all be all of comic book illustration. In fact they aren't even the highest paying companies. Heavy Metal has always paid more then either of them as has Image (when one works on one of their regular

Actually, I don't work for Marvel or DC and 100 per page is my minimum. I do just fine and have consistent work. The problem is that you don't dictate how much I make, I do. As a freelancer that is my choice to make. Your choice is to go with a cheaper artist if you would like.

OK, listen Folks, The title of the article makes it pretty damn clear that there are potential spoilers. They don't need to state the obvious by plastering the word all over the place. They don't need to create a spoiler free version of IO9. That's ridiculous. Grow up, take some responsibility for yourselves.

Soo.. exactly how many characters from Alphas have been on Supernatural? Are we getting close to half yet?

ermmm Imma going to be a buzz kill. But Space X is funding this contest now and I believe the instrument must be able to DIAGNOSE the be a legit tricorder. I may be wrong about that. But this is definitely in the right direction.

Good advice

Catcher in the Rye was banned for foul language... your point is invalid. Like any other word in the lexicon, profanity serves a purpose and to shy away from profanity, especially when executed so beautifully, is just a form of ignorance. If you agreed with his view point, you would not feel so harshly about the color