
From a health standpoint, the amount of steroids they’ve all taken just can’t be good

1. Any game with any kind of economy is constantly being tweaked in order to maintain balance and keep people from using exploits or cheats or doing anything that might make it too easy to get stuff. That can’t happen in the cryptobros future.

Same. I don’t care what it’s about, I just want to exist in it for a little bit. 

I disagree. Sure, both made original claims that were a bit much, but that’s where the similarities end.

Looks a little like Anthem. I loved the flying in that game, it just felt so perfect. That could have been a good game with another year or two of development time. 

Sorry for the off topic comment but there’s no where else to ask.

I don’t even think people count them anymore. They’re a pachinko/slot machine company these days. They aren’t trying to be anything more than that, so I consider them less out of touch and more just a disappointment. 

I sure do! I played a ton of that. Also Tobal no. 1.

I agree. I thought the first trailer looked great. And I could be wrong, but I don’t remember it being announced as a live service game until the second trailer. Don’t quote me on that though. 

But completely failed to meet SQEX’s expectations all but guaranteeing we won’t see anything else like it from them. I agree with you though, I think it’s more on Square than it is on Platinum. 

The fact that the feedback they’re looking for is focused on the graphics should tell you everything you need to know. I mean sure, the graphic design they went with was a strange choice, but if they think THAT’S why no one bought the game then there’s simply no hope for it.

To me this announcement reads like:

I don’t think anyone is choosing to be a PC gamer based on Sony’s titles being there. It’s been a nice bonus, as before buying a Playstation was the only way to play them. But that was before Microsoft took away the best selling game on Sony’s system. Sony will get CoD for the duration of whatever contracts they

I do remember that. So instead of just putting PCs in peoples’ homes Microsoft was then putting consoles in peoples’ homes as well. Either way it’s about drawing you into their ecosystem. Making Xbox didn’t change anything, it just gave them yet another entry point into your life. And meanwhile, like you said,

I don’t think this is about straight ROI for any of the parties involved save maybe Activision’s C-suite and shareholders, who are going to make above market value.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Sony suddenly decided not to release games on PC anymore as a consequence. I’m not in the camp that think Sony is done, but it’s going to have to do something to drive people towards its systems.

I feel like, narratively, once you start vaulting stuff that means it’s time to move on to the next game, i.e. Destiny 3. But from a business perspective they’re afraid that too many players aren’t going to make that leap forward.

Yeah, the chemistry between the three leads is what I liked most about the whole thing, and I’m in the minority of people that actually liked the show. They all did a great job.

“Whoever does the naming picks the pronunciation. You should respect that. Just like you would want people to pronounce your name the way you want it pronounced”

I loved DmC but hey, to each their own.