Rocky Mountain marshmallows?
Rocky Mountain marshmallows?
Greek letters? An unacceptable trifecta of cultural appropriation, Western centrism, and confusing pronunciations.
The adjective “Oxford” is superfluous, friend; there is no comma other than the comma that, in a list, always separates all its items.
This is the only video that matters:
“young and dead broke and 600 miles from home”
Never underestimate old man strength.
I’m detecting you were abused by a member of the string family at some point.
Your point is a good one, in that it suggests good responsible drivers are those who not only know which traffic signs are which, but have good character, strategic skills, and community spirit. Those qualities aren’t tested on a driver’s exam (at minimum, an additional defensive driving course and probably good…
Somewhere a summer intern is furiously taking notes on your suggestions.
Well played.
Both cheeks.
Be prepared.
There’s an iPhone-sized vehicle battery charger that peaks at 2,800 amps?
Its onboard battery charges with an AC adapter by topping up either after use or (if unused) once a month. More convenient than maneuvering vehicles to make charging cables reach (plus, it charges V8s, has a compressor to pump tires [vehicles and bikes], two 120V AC outlets, and two 3.1A USB charging ports).