
Along with sucking us into clicking through yet another slideshow, this post is about asking Gawker A.V. Club commenters which guest host we would choose. However, who is the best choice (however controversial that might be) for the Jeopardy! demographic? (Won’t someone think of the Benjamins??!@!?E!//??)


Hiked here for this. Continued on the trail satisfied.

I did Nazi that coming.

How about either an African or European swallow?

“Too soon.”

*M1 has entered the chat*

A Toyota 2012 RAV4, Limited trim—the last model year with the 5L, 269HP, V6 engine and the aerodynamics-destroying, but outdoorsy rear-mounted spare tire.

ISS Detector ( is a terrific, one-stop app that indicates when you can view the ISS, satellites (including those darn Starlink trains cluttering the sky), planets, and so forth from your personal location, as well as providing a countdown timer and sky map to direct your attention for the

Too soon.

I was shopping at the end of the month, hoping to find a salesman who wanted or needed a month-end sale. When I insisted the dealer honor their internet sales desk’s price quote, the salesman begged me to close the deal the next day, the first day of the following month, to keep the sale off the current month’s books.

Came here for the postal jeep. Left weeping.

I like the cut of your jib.