
While I understand their decision to become an exclusive, I feel that they easily could have made a better one. One that I came up with in like 15 minutes is a “Steam Tax” let people have the freedom to choose steam but charge them the 18% price difference that Steam charges the developer. 50$ on epic and 60$ on steam

Hopefuly, down the line, Epic makes becomes a major competitor for Steam. I don’t see it happening immediately but they have the resources to do it. I’ll personally buy games I want from Epic over steam right away as long as their platform isn’t a total mess. They do have a huge advantage of already being installed on

Unfortunately, because of the nature of how we train them, human biases tend to integrate with AI decision making process. So it may very well still be a racist idiot... That is in the unlikely event ASI even becomes a thing( the only reason AI is better than us at some stuff now, is because its specialized)

I agree that ASI is about as much of a threat to us as dragons and zombies, but I stand firm on the idea that AI development needs to be watched. With increasingly easy acess to machine learning, people with ill intentions and extremist groups could misuse it. Like it or not, we live in a world where the right

I kind of felt that the outrage stemmed from the massive gap between the attitude between Blizzard and its fans. Blizzard is a company that released one of the largest MMOs(WoW), one of the most popular strategy games in the world(Starcraft), one of the most popular competitive shooters(Overwatch), a strategy game

When I was freash out of highschool, I had a job at an understaffed hotel. I worked from 10pm to 4pm unless the afternoon person called off. I had a 24 hour shift every other week with that job.... on the bright side, I’m an insomniac who has on occasion found it near impossible to sleep for within 72 hour periods

I agree with you on the AAA game support but as for streaming, the switch would be a near perfect console for that. It shares the same processor as the Nvidia Shield TV console which can stream games quite well using hardware encoding. Also, in Japan they already have 3 games that were/will be released on the switch

If they were advertising the game as "a fun way to learn history" then I'd agree. But since they are more than willing to call this fiction loosely based on different points in history, it's fine.

The world is moving fast enough that 30 years should be enough to give more freedom involving the product ( the ability to create and distribute work that is derived from the original content), and 50 should be enough to distribute the original content (or a copy) freely. Its stupid that companies can leech off of

If they want to make payments, just have them take a personal loan from a bank. That way the money is in hand to complete said transaction and of the loan isn’t paid, it doesn’t hurt the seller at all.

This seems cool. Its definitly nice to see Nintendo is still doing a good job at keeping up with new games and characters. Costumes with amiibo tags for new characters anyone?

I’m confused as to why the first amendment was cited rather than than the fourth. Anyone with more legal knowledge than I do willing to clarify?

Almost everything that connects to the internet tracks you. By buying a cell phone, you’re trading privacy for convenience in a big way. Moreso if its a smart phone. With physical access to devices it’s relatively simple to install survailence software on it from a hackers standpoint. Even ISPs track you. My question

Well, Link does own a high end tablet that can manipulate matter in ways we’ve never thought possible, not to mention awesome optical zoom without a telescopic lens, auto cataloging/tracking, or the connection to towers with complex 3D mapping tech. A switch and a t-shirt hardly seem like a huge leap from that.

I’ve always thought something like “the timeline was an after thought” was a huge possibility. Especially since, if I remember correctly, the first 4 games developed would have followed a timeline without any forks. I sometimes think that Majora’s mask (or perhaps even Ocarina of Time) caused some issues with

I agree with several points that the article makes. Including the fundamental issues about ending discrimination by providing opertunities to certain groups of people. It’s a case of too little too late in my opinion. We should focus on giving equal opportunities to the young, of all races and genders. I also agree

After thinking more about this, I’m not actually sure if they’re trying to get useable data. It would be a bonus but maybe they are checking if they can send stuff to another star at a reasonable time and not break it. Getting any signal back at all, useable or not, would be rather impressive.

A few questions to those of you who Know more about this than me,

I’ve wondered something similar. I’m told that drag in space isn’t a problem until you reach high speeds. I’m not sure if .2c is considered fast enough. At that speed I’d be worried about collisions with hydrogen atoms as much as the space debris issue. I’m not really an expert though so I’m not sure about much on the

The most I’d do in this situation is report them. Nothing more. After that, yes, I will ignore that it’s happening. It’s no ones job to babysit every situation like this. First and foremost, people have to look out for them selves and their own families. There is no shame in avoiding a situation that doesn’t involve