Montgomery Badleford

I'm not sure that the impact is exaggerated (many young people have killed themselves over it), but I take your point that cyberbullying should not be conflated with those who say something incendiary or post an image of themselves in their underwear and then get all angry when they are met with very strongly-worded

Well, despite being somewhat left-wing and relatively PC (more in the sense of self-censorship than censorship of others), I must say I broadly agree with the message South Park has been trying to convey here regarding the nature of social media, and more broadly about shame. Acknowledging the fact that rude people on

I see, thanks for clearing that up.

Perhaps I didn't understand the jokes about Demi Lovato because I'm not American and I've only just found out who she is, but what exactly did she do recently to get this sort of attention from South Park? Her Wikipedia page doesn't seem to say much apart from some problems she had with depression and self-harm

"Well, this looks like a lovely meal. Too bad Butters won't be enjoying it! You hear that mister! No dinner for you! While you're grounded you can just go to bed hungry!"
That alone merits an A.

I think there is a hint of mock in having Randy sing "Ya Ya Ya, I am Lorde", and perhaps an implication that Lorde's voice is heavily auto-tuned.

Far be it from me to defend Ayn Rand, but I also find that many people who criticize her haven't read her books either. They heard left-wing talk show hosts (or right-wing talk show hosts) sum up her philosophy and react on that basis. My main problem with her fans is mostly how detached from reality they are. I can