
I take it, you didn’t see girls trip then. No, but this is something I observe among my white girlfriends, “this is the fun plan, and we cannot deviate from the fun plan or else we will not have fun. It doesn’t matter if we’re not having fun, it’s on the fun plan so it must be fun” whereas with my black and latina

But don’t go offending our White Allies! Oh no, because then they’ll just stop helping!

Yup. It’s not hard to see that anytime a black person express some anger, frustration, etc., they have to be one-upped by some white person telling them why they’re wrong to feel that way and they should feel this way. Which is another way of saying “Get over it.” It’s happened twice to me in this comment section

There are far too many white people running around completely unaware of this amazing man’s service and treatment, while enthusiastically telling black people that they are real victims of society.

Men served country, country denied men access to GI Bill and access to low interest loans afforded to other men who served with men who were denied.

I can understand the “see how you (white people) like it now” take. It’s totally justified. It’s sickening how several of the crimes against African Americans are on video and still people shrug their shoulders. While this incident has no video (I don’t think so anyway) and people are more outraged.

Man serves country, country denies man fairness.

Maybe the pain and rage in “Fuck you Justine Damond” would be out of order if she wasn’t the literal white representation of Americans’ refusal to believe that black lives matter. Everybody talks about how if it was a blond white lady things would be different, and then magically things are totally different when it

“When I hear people say, “Fuck you, Justine Damond,” I hear hurt and pain.”

This part of the privatization of prisons. It’s legal slavery and prison reform is a nonnegotiable for me on any political candidates

length of stay is growing and continues to grow

As much as I HATE trump, I am kind of enjoying his treatment of sessions. Sessions is a gross, spiteful, hateful little man and I wish nothing but ill on him.

In the ‘70s they took massive amounts drugs and alcohol then had nervous breakdowns for fun. In 2017, we have to take them just to make it through the day without having a nervous breakdown.

Well if innocent people being murdered by authorities is your measure, maybe we should look at the police unions protecting cops who keep shooting black people.

Yeah... that line had me seriously rolling my eyes. She actually cried when she read it? Oh come on, no she didn’t. And then she had to post about it to raise awareness about racism? I hope she’s just as diligent about every story of prejudice against black people that results in a hell of a lot more than lost tip

I’d assume that by White Allies they are pointing at the people who “stand up” for marginalized groups, and then THEY make sure that everyone knows that THEY are on their side. THEY go around using events and social media to show off how much THEY care and always make sure there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that THEY

I feel like this is a setup. It’s too perfect.