
Black Lives Matter failed to capture enough support, in my opinion.

This is a wonderful trolltastic headline, I can here some folks teeth grinding.

Ok, so first off, that’s a shitty thing to do, I don’t care what the race.

You know, there are times I don’t think I do enough with the fact that I own a sign shop.

since as a white male with both Jewish and Arab ancestry I actually know what it’s like to be fucking marginalized myself

It’s what I do. Or just tell people their word salad is confusing me.

Thank you for coming to The Roots comments and being example 2,831 on why black people are not trusting of white people who believe themselves to be allies. Because you got all in your feelings and wrote all of this to me instead of using the same internet to go to our good friend Google and finding out why White

I’ve said it before and I will say it again. Black, Latina, and Native women are going to single-handedly save us.  

Very happy to see Nina in the driver’s seat with this organization. They really needed someone who will push this forward from the ground up, and she really seems to get it. Also nice to see that she’s not afraid to set the record straight, while at the same time being crystal clear about what the organization stands

After having hear Senator Turner speak at a Sanders rally (along with Dr.Cornell West) in Birmingham last year, I was impressed with her ability to not only appeal to diverse groups, but also with her determination to also “walk the walk”. She went back to her hometown, rolled up her sleeves, and continued to put in

The candidates actually have to interface with the local affiliate and the voters. Imagine that?! It’s not just filling out a questionnaire; we’re looking for progressive candidates.

It is, oddly enough, during times like these that black politicians in state and city races do well. In the 1980's, despite the onslaught of racism from the Reagan administration, major US cities elected their first black mayor, most notable Chicago with its election of Harold Washington and NYC with David Dinkins. I

I mean, just go ahead and preach on a Monday morning.

All the votes make sense when you understand the number of white people voting in the hopes that none of the conclusions implicate US.

This happens so often to black and brown people, but just like that white woman who was shot by police, this story will make it all over like it’s something new and unheard of. Honestly, sometimes the other side has to get the same treatment to see what someone else goes through. It’s life. Oh, well.

because of race not bad service.

I don’t get this site

Girl, go choke on a mandingo.

So basically you have nothing to add to the conversation other than a complaint that people aren’t being nice enough to white people?