I used to think of myself as a pretty progressive person, but lately the stuff I’ve been reading on here (and other places, of course) has really made me rethink that.
Of course I remember CD players and surely costs will come down. However, I’m not the one who wrote an article with made up numbers about the current costs of things to justify a point of view.
I never get over 50 on the freeway in LA... I almost did once, but it was a few years back.
Lots of countries have way fewer DUI deaths without installing breathalizers in every car.
The US has 300% more vehicle deaths per capita than Germany. How does Germany do that? Not with any of that BS you wrote about. They have strict licensing requirements and good transit infrastructure.
Jalopnik: We hate cars and so should you
How to never sell another new car in one easy step:
You’re downplaying how these devices work here, it’s significantly more complicated than that
“NHTSA has all but given up on making American drivers slow down.”
Poor Jalopnik. https://jalopnik.com/this-is-the-best-takedown-of-the-speed-kills-myth-you-1302382244
Why should we have them? All of the things listed are CHOICES the driver has made.
It is ABSOLUTELY an attack on our freedoms. implementing thicker steel, not an attack on freedom. Making better crash structures, not an attack. Forcing people that make good choices or have made peace with the risks and consequences of…
Define “should”. Should the 99% of people who don’t drive drunk be forced to blow into their car every time they need to go anywhere? Should I care if someone is too stupid to wear a seatbelt and gets themselves killed? Should we restrict everyone to exactly the same speed so there is no passing, no speed difference…
According to a military documentary about Soviets in Afghanistan, when aircraft go against ground vehicle, the latter usually comes out on top.
Worked ski patrol in a past life. If you had a snowmobile on a slope, someone would ski into it.
Sure, but Michael Bay uses those explosions when a child on roller skates trips on a curb.
Yeah, so much for all the “it never explodes like that in real life” Mythbusters. Sorry to have ever doubted you, Michael Bay.
Never stop on the side of the freeway if you can avoid it. I did many years ago and another driver fell asleep at the wheel and slammed into me while he was traveling 70+ mph. I should be dead. I spent over a week in the hospital. I’ve had lifelong back and knee problems as a result of the crash. Go to the next exit…
“Am I an a**hole”