
Whatever works for you. One day a time works for a lot of people. What works for me is thinking of my loved ones crying when we part. Knowing it makes them sad when I leave, I just can’t make them cry by leaving forever by my own hand. If something else happens to me, they’ll miss me, but suicide could warp them.

If it makes you feel better, when Trump is gone they are going to call us The Greatest Generation.

I know how every day can be a struggle. Don’t let the feelings caused by Trump ascending to the presidency push you past the edge. Don’t let the insanity of that side of the country win. I’ve felt the same despair, come close to the same decision. Look to the inspiring stories this is bringing about.

You just stopped me in my tracks. Whatever’s going on, please find someone to talk to. It gets better.

It totally DOES matter! I want you to know that that the feelings you are having are temporary. When you want to give up, please see if you can manage one more day, one more hour, even one more minute. We’re all in this boat together.

I’m glad you’re hanging in there. I know we’re all just anonymous people on the internet, but sharing your story here is still a step in the right direction. I hope you’ll follow the advice that others have shared and find resources that work for you. There’s always a way forward.

Hang in there, one day at a time. Eventually it gets better. And call that number if you need more convincing.

Please don’t do this. My sister attempted and was found in the nick of time. The hole in my heart still hasn’t healed and this was 4 years ago and she lived. The people left behind suffer more than you can possibly imagine. The guilt, the stress the sadness. It never, ever goes away. She is so much better now and what

Please don’t kill yourself. The advice about calling the suicide hotline is definitely the way to go. My ex taught me the reality of my (or other untrained people’s) ability to help people with depression, so I’m not going to pretend I can be any help with that, but if you need someone to just vent to about everyday

Can you put this off a couple more days, call a suicide prevention hotline tonight, and maybe a psychiatrist on Monday? You need help. Our movement needs help. And I hope you have people who love you and would miss you if you left them. Keep fighting.

It gets better. Talk to someone (not about politics, 1-800-273-8255) Get out in nature, listen to some music, stop reading the net and watching the news if its bumming you out. Admit yourself to the hospital if the chemical and you need get meds/ have them adjusted. Suicidal ideation is a side effect to some

I’m glad you chose to wait another day. Please keep doing that, one day at a time. I have been close to that as well at times and am not sorry I keep hanging in. Bless your heart. Please stick it out with the rest of us to see him impeached, locked up or voted out. Talk to someone, if that person doesn’t provide

Also grey. I don’t know what’s going on in your life, or how bad things are. But, The Orange One can be stopped. It’ll take everyone to stand up, and we need you to help hold the rest of us up.

1-800-273-8255 is the national suicide hotline you can also chat online w someone they are 24-7 and can get you local resources. You are in pain and it feels like a solution, please talk with professionals to show you alternatives.

This...made me laugh out loud.

Too bad someone didn’t give him a Third Reich in the kisser.

I’m so disgusted by the fact that Trump’s smoke-and-mirrors campaign is preventing any real discussion of the candidates’ platforms. I see people online say they will vote for Trump because Hillary will just be more of the same but Trump will “make American great again.” How? What exactly does he plan to do that will