Mountain Trails

Carlos, Irma Vep, demonlover, Late August Early September are 4 that come to mind.
It's worth noting that Assayas is a very intelligent filmmaker but he doesn't make 'mainstream' films. He is more interested in ideas and themes related to cinema and culture than he is in creating something that is necessarily

It's hard to go wrong with any of their films. La Promesse and The Son and The Kid with a Bike are my three favorite. I would watch in that order. Of course, they have similarities so maybe don't watch in one night. Rosetta is strong, though maybe tougher to love. Their 'lowest' rated film via Rotten Tomatoes is

IMO "4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days" is the best of the bunch. Next would be "Uncle Boonmee…". I disliked "Dancer in the Dark" considerably [although I tend to like von Trier]. "L'Enfant" was fairly good but not my favorite Dardenne Bros. I'd say the Berlin Golden Bear winner has been a bit better in the 21st century so

Wait, I like Light My Fire at the end of Protection. Although, yeah, cover songs that don't fit into the rest of an album can be distracting. If it came midway through the album it would have been bad. At the end it's sort of a release.

From my perspective [and I liked the film] it ultimately comes down to the penultimate scene. No matter what happens in the first 1hr 45 minutes [or so] it all leads narratively to the action in the end. Therefore, it is not wrong to make the Taxi Driver comparison with regards to the 'genre formula' of both films.

Actually The Lobster was going to be released in March by the original U.S. distributor, Alchemy. But when they went bust in February it was picked up by A24, which slated it for May. The film calendar was pretty full last year, so it made sense that some Cannes films were not released for a year. Note that Dheepan,

Personally, I found it better at the beginning and then disliked the final episodes. I enjoyed the show while watching it but it didn't stay with me or make me feel compelled to watch Season 2.

I see an age difference issue. When they first started feuding Crawford was 33 and Davis was 30. When they acted together in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, Crawford was 57 and Davis was 50. Right now, Sarandon is 69 and Lange is 67. So if we take the actors at their oldest you have 69 = 54 [Sarandon / Davis] and 67 =

I am pretty sure most of the critics here enjoyed some of mainstream movies you liked but one has to admit most Hollywood blockbusters are unoriginal and formulaic and therefore may not be the 'best' of the year. You mention 'boring art house' and yet the lists include plenty of films that are not art house including

I wish you guys would get rid of the 'most overrated' choice because it is not an opinion of the movie but rather a reaction or a backlash against other critics or against marketing hype. What's the point? Filmmakers make movies. Rate movies. Not whether or not they are 'overrated'.

They were both 'sick fucks' but the Jackman character should have known better. He had - sort of - the right idea but the wrong execution. I was actually surprised he confronted and then kidnapped Dano so quickly. I figured he would have followed him for a bit to see what he was up to and then snooped around. He

Okay I can buy the argument that she wanted parents to go into a frenzy. Agreed about the inability to find Jackman. Also if he could whistle could he not also yell? Presumably they would have been working at the house all day giving him amble time to make more noise than a minor whistle blow. Oh well, that's the

I agree, but what I found rather unbelievable was that the woman would keep the kids alive. It just seems very odd to kidnap kids and keep them in a room drugged up. Especially once the police were on to Dano it would seem the old woman wouldn't keep the kids around. Not that I want to see a movie with kids being

The more I think about this movie the more it doesn't work. In the moment it is tense and fairly effective but there are a few plot issues including some that are convenient to help the story along. Hugh Jackman is also too over-the-top here and after a while he's not acting; just turning up the anger to 11. 

Google is your friend. Try using it.

This is actually a pretty good movie. What I thought was that Terrence Malick could probably learn a thing or two from this film about the way to combine beautiful images with a plot. [Not to knock Malick too much as I do like most of his films but this one is not as rarified as Malick's last two.] Ignore the C+. Go