
78k?!!??! Omg, I live in Toronto and we are having a housing crisis. Houses that were 300k 3 years ago are 750k. I want to cry every day.

There was a San Franciso (and Haight-Ashbury) before the hippies too: the city used to be very “working class” until just after the war, when the urban downturn came and the hippies started soon after.

I always like this description of the 101 Hotel in Rejkavik from Michael Lewis

He has confessed in a secular confessional to betraying the trust of his wife, and perhaps of the women who considered him a mentor before he moved them to another spot on the sliding scale of human interaction

Isn’t it obvious? Captain, Obvious.

There really is something very sexy about Elon Musk but I can’t quite put my finger on what it is.

Ivanka’s “job”: Show up somewhere dressed expensively, look concerned/understanding, nod, mention the word “women”, and the day’s work is done!

“It is hard. There’s a level of viciousness that I was not expecting,”

Dear Nashville,

I hear ya. I had to watch some it on NBC and it was just awful compared to HNIC.
I was always expecting them to refer to it as “Ice-hockey”.

Now playing

I wish they still used this gem like they did for a very long time. Use to start every round with a montage using this and then ended the season with it:

Tahoe, huh. What is he, the token Hispanic?

OMG. This. I was the youngest person in my office and I would treat myself to McDonald's every now and then, usually on Fridays for breakfast. The women in the office would feel the need to say "Oh, you're eating McDonalds again?" and screw their faces up with disdain. Then, whenever I brought my lunches from home

The goddamn Lingerers make me froth at the mouth. You want to tell me about your cat's dental work? FUCK YOU. Why are you telling me about a marathon? BITCH I DO NOT KNOW YOU. You are STILL here telling me about that one time you really struggled to find the motherfucking 3-hole punch. GET OUT OF MY LIFE YOU

I had a similar situation, although the women in my workplace were actually just not nice people. They were all always doing Weight Watchers together and kept a scale to weigh themselves in our office. But then they were also always cheating and ordering takeout, and when I didn't eat pizza or whatever with them they

My boss once looked enviously at the banana I was eating for breakfast and said she wished she could have one but they have too much sugar. I will die before I join whatever food cult is make her feel that a banana is a shame food.

Oh yes, they kill me. I used to work with a bunch of "nutritionists" - If I ate what they deemed to be "bad food" I got a whole lecture on "How can you eat that? Do you know how TERRIBLE that is for you?" and if I got something healthy like a salad wrap they'd be like "Is that ALL you're eating? Are you just eating

She went so far as to look up Chipotle burritos online and then smugly inform me of their fat and calorie count.

I do not fall into any of these categories. This pleases me. I'm more of an aloof, focused individual who doesn't really want to socialize, OH-GOD-WHY-ARE-YOU-TALKING-TO-ME-WHEN-I-HAVE-ALL-OF-THIS-TANTALIZING-WORK-THAT-NEEDS-TO-BE-DONE?!