
A girl I knew slept with (and dated on and off for years, all dependent on when he wanted her) a guy who told her that “her mind was an open book that he wanted to devour.” Spoiler alert: he turned out to be one of the worst people I’ve ever met.

when i was 15 i called a boy “magnetic” in an email and the memory of it still makes me want to barf

It’s viscerally embarrassing to read. I suddenly feel ashamed of all the obviously, transparently performative emails I’ve written to smart boys in a desperate bid to get laid.

As a Scot who loves Zambia, I’d like to point out I’ve never heard of Ms. Linton.

I read this a him being a narcissist who will do anything for recognition and awards. Absolutely love that Tropic Thunder.

I feel horrible for all of the people involved, most especially Lamar and Khloe. I wish he wanted help for himself and I wish people would understand how painful it is for her to walk away.


I have exactly one uppity Christian mom on my Facebook feed (my kid was friends with her kid, I was unaware of the zealotry) and I cannot bring myself to flush her. Her Facebook page is like a circus train derailment, it’s so comically that I can’t look away. I am weak.

I imagine her squatting while using a hand mirror to get it just

“One woman asks how to handle dating a guy with a small penis. Amber tells her to leave him.”

Tuba (sousaphone) throughout high school, and because I’m crazy, my senior year of college.

Melissa’s dress? I really like it!

I loooove these and Tudor style homes. 😵

I had drinks with a old friend tonight. Hadn’t caught up in ages, so was showing the obligatory kid pics. Got the usual, “Wow, they look just like their Dad!” In desperation for pictorial validation, I showed him my high school graduation pic (that my Mom dug up a few weeks ago). I shit you not, he said, “Whoa, I

I love Craftsmans, there’s so many around here but they’re all like $buttmillion

Well, it probably comes from growing up in a place with zero old houses and only modern architecture: Brasilia, built in the height of mid century modern here in Brazil. For me, something like this is perfection:

She would be a great stock photo lady, though. She could look SO happy eating salad.

Anyone got any guess how those same fans would react if Reyes had said that he supported Black Lives Matter?

God damn you for making me give Dilbert a star.