
Cool, it’s great to see him be into a real tough (physically and mentally) woman, who is arguably more ‘successful’ than him, not just a hot thing on his arm. I like the idea of a rapper being the more ‘sensitive/feelings’ public figure (i mean as a public perception thing - they are who they are as private people of

Do you taste the difference between using real pumpkin and the stuff in the can (where you can just season to taste)? Cause i don’t taste the difference, and working with the actual pumpkin feels like a lot of work.

I’m in my mid 30s (which is like total deadsville for single women), i don’t have a lot of money (work in the arts) so i guess ‘no problem’ there, though i was raised to be well read/educated, be independent and work very hard (poor protestant work ethic). I discovered I also need an intellectual to be happy and there

Fun fact: They are technically classified as ‘slippers’ as it saves a lot of money on the company for shipping/taxes as it’s less than shoes.

I worked in a (non-US) kitchen in a hotel years ago. After the big brunch Sunday, we would do a discounted one on the Monday lunch with the leftovers. After the lunch we would throw out all the extra food - multiple garbage bags full. I asked why we couldn’t bring in a charity to take the extra food for the homeless

I think Kate Spade has nice design, no ugly patterns - i just think the market will get super saturated with them and ruin it for everyone else :(

There really are some great bags made in Canada that will last you forever and look great. I have a Rudsack messenger bag made of raw unfinished leather that’s great quality too - and the inside is made waterproof and came with a teeny tiny light inside so you can see your things in the dark if need be. And you don’t

Cavalli is super gross, all the leopard prints. Right now i think it’s all about Kate Spade, baby.

I’m female, from Canada and not hugely attracted to hockey players....

I ride the bus a lot (i’m female) and will get randomly excited for 5-10 minutes due to certain bus vibrations too :P

Semi-related: a close friend who is a feminist and all that good stuff? When she got married a few years ago she insisted on having a male officiant because a woman ‘just didn’t feel important or ceremonial enough, sorry if that’s not feminist or whatever.’ I just let it go but it still pisses me off - like if someone

I grew up in a small town in Ontario - the very first place i knew about that had organic/allergy/gluten free foods were the Menonnites - they had little stores all over the place. It was the only place in forever that had gluten free bread :S

Weirdly, here in Canada there was a small cheap/mostly canned goods chain called ‘Valdi’. The one closed up in my small hometown maybe early 90s?

“ Um, we’ll just wait for 10-15 more prostitutes to be murdered just to be sure...whores, y’know *shrugs*”

Goes perfect with your asshole hobo themed hipster wedding.

I hate this stuff too, i just don’t give a shit about this stuff for myself - waste of time and stress. The marriage matters a lot, that’s it to me.

My geek friend said that Warhammer is the ‘high grade heroin’ of nerdom.

I was at a Raptor’s game on new year’s and they showed his wipe outs from the previous year, including where he fell down an entire flight of stairs on an upper level with a huge flat screen tv in a box to present to a winning fan.

Nothing says ‘small town down to earth’ like cashmere blend circle scarves, $300 ripped jeans, purebred small dogs with hair jewelry and $20,000 engagement rings.