
You aren’t the only one. Sometimes i text one of my guy friends about cute animals - one night walknig home from his place i saw a little skunk outside and told him. His reply was, ‘Stupid cute skunk, i just want to bite it’s little head!’

The scary thing is - i remember on this site a bunch of women saying when they had cancer or other illnesses that caused dramatic weight loss how they got hit on more than ever before.

Once on an online dating site, a little person messaged me, wanting to meet me. I wasn’t really sure about it and while he was trying to convince me to give him a shot, i asked him if he had ever met any other little people on there. he laughed and said, ‘Oh no, i’m not attracted to other little people, i only date

People always hate the most in others what they hate within themselves.

I kind of want to be with someone exactly like this :S

What will happen if your son isn’t into playing ball or other sports?

I always got scared for the poor cat. ‘Leave her alone! She doesn’t want you, you’re scaring her!’ It was like a mini lesson in stranger danger when i was 5.

D’awww, i loved this mutt in the originaly cartoons, totally made up for that friggin creep, Pepe Le Pew

Oh yeah, Tim Horton’s sucks - and i’m from a town of 28,000 with 4 of them that are busy all day long. The donuts are especially bad - in the 80s they had better selection and *much* better donuts.

When i moved the the Uk without knowing anyone to hook me up, it got to the point where i just said ‘fuck this’ and found some forum where people were looking for anything - especially harder stuff, mostly pills, coke and even saw a posting for heroin. I figured no one would police/give a shit about weed so I waited

Absolutely, it’s gross. A $125 sweater shrunk to the point the dry cleaner called me to say ‘It wasn’t our fault!’ (they’re amazing cleaners with amazing service so i trust them).

I read somewhere that people in high end stores will always get better service if they’re dressed down than dressed up. I guess it just means they don’t have to feel like they’re trying too hard.

Herpen is incredible. Her and McQueen to me were so similar in how they viewed fashion (though i know there's a lot of dispute if McQueen's garments were empowering armour or stubborn prisons).

Being 12/13 is the absolute worst, hands down.

I read somewhere that this is a common feeling especially among women (and especially among women in high powered jobs) - like they’re faking it and someone will find out.

Though really, can you blame any young kid for feeling like their world is imploding when heartbreaks happen? Options were fewer, my world smaller and without the benefit of having experience to draw from. The first love is the very best because you don’t know the hurt of parting from someone you love yet. It feels

I basically have this hair naturally. I have thick, stick straight hair in a similar style. Just go to bed with wet hair after a shower and it's perfect the next day. Long hair when wet waves pretty well.

Exactly. ‘She’s old and not a threat so everyone knows men aren’t really into that so it’s super adorbs how she’s pretending to be worthy of my man lol’

I'm a 30something young looking woman who basically had to do online dating because single people my age no longer exist in my friend group.

I never actually thought about people lying about being previously married. I assume many people my age have been married and some are now divorced. It never mattered to me either way - life happens, we all have history - but i can see someone being wary of that.