
And beyond that? The next reply to that post saying, "Oh! I had the same problem, but the restart worked for me as well."

"The gene puts you at risk, so if you're triggered by environmental factors like peers, family or psychiatric disorders, you're more likely to have problems."

I feel you, but I understand why they're doing it. They're essentially taking a page from Apple's book and forcing customers to use their services, e.g. Prime and their cloud.

They probably figure you guys can build your own damn towers, seeing as you're hiding $5 million under a silo somewhere...

Don't ignore that urge. You won't ever look back.

First of all, I just want to say that this is likely the most well-written article I've read on here in a long time. Thanks for the rational take on an editorial, Roberto.

It's really more of a feedback loop. Medicines, agriculture and oils allow us to reproduce more and live longer, and the resulting population growth requires more medicines, agriculture and oils.

There are currently conflicting reports: Anti-Qaddafi fighters are saying he's been shot in the head/wounded in both legs/captured/taken to the hospital in an ambulance/in critical care, etc. And these are from different sources around the globe. So far, the only source I've seen confirming he's dead is Reuters.

If prayer has an observable effect, God hates Rick Perry (e.g. drought, wildfires, dustbowl 2.0)...

Given that the back actually looks much more like carbon fibre, I would doubt even more that it's bullet proof...

There's a (fairly spot-on) replica in the metropolitan area near where I live that's always driving around. License plate? BCKNTME

Are you sure that's champagne? It seems warmer, thicker and sticki...

Why has this movie not been made?

Let's teach the uploader a proper fucking orientation for the camera while filming, then they can begin to understand how to raise and interpret the actions of their own (admittedly adorable) child...

All this means to me is that the representation of signal bar-strength has likely been changed on the 4S. This representation has nothing to relate against until Apple can prove they didn't change the signal coding (the mechanism behind how the number of bars is shown). I won't really believe the difference until I

Or even better, Pain is weakness leaving the body, Semper Fi!

To some extent, but at a certain point it wouldn't matter at all. Given that one round of ammunition could potentially kill (at least) one Roman soldier, that leaves grenades and heavier ordinance to do even worse damage with at least several deaths per use. With even the smallest amount of gasoline, several hundred

As far as I know, Romans only had regular bows and arrows. I can understand a compound bow or crossbow from a short distance projecting an arrow through kevlar, but what about a regular bow and arrow from several hundred feet?

Two things: It's Pizza Hut, and secondly the Romans would be defeated long before Marines would have the opportunity to run out of supplies.

That would have required a modicum of taste...